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Published: May 23, 2017

Have you seen what Dwayne “the rock” Johnson did on SNL?


People are in an uproar about what Dwayne “the rock” Johnson did when he hosted Saturday Night Live last weekend. During one of the skits contained in the episode, “the rock” joked about molesting children and created a child molesting robot as a solution to violate twice as many!

The skit opens with a scene of the International Mad Scientist Society where the host proclaims they are in search of “the most evil invention that will shock the entire world.”

The first entry is the “freeze ray.” The inventor says “I shall encase all the world’s most famous monument in solid ice.”

That’s when Dwayne Johnson takes things way too far and awkwardly comes on stage as Roy and saying that he invented a “child molesting robot” that “can molest twice as many children in half the time.”

Speaking about child molestation as if it’s no big deal, is a big deal. Globalists like George Soros who gave $2 million to NAMBLA (an organization seeking to legalize pedophilia) have been after this for quite some time. This year the Pope even removed penalties from priests who molest children. The corruption of the youth is at an all-time high and SNL is stooping lower than ever by attempting to normalize it.

As the skit continues, another mad scientist asks how you would go about building a child molesting robot to which Roy responds, “what you do is you start by building a regular robot, then you molest it and hope that it continues the cycle.” The audience roars with laughter.

SNL is making light of the fact that those who are exposed to such violation in childhood grow up facing far more psychological challenges than others, and psychologists say that one out of ten grow up to be perpetrators of the same abuse that was once inflicted on them.

Other inventors cry out against the immoral invention. Roy replies, “I guess I really screwed up.” The host says, “No Roy, you have nothing to apologize for. Yes, you made a robot that molests children, but you also made an important point here today. Things are always better with juicy beef and onion sandwiches from White Castle, America’s medieval sandwich restaurant.”

At the end of the day as long as we have White Castle who cares right? Wrong. That’s exactly what they want you to think though, as long as it doesn’t effect you then you shouldn’t care. With the acceptance agenda that’s being played out sooner or later, child molesters will get their way and be free from punishment.

In 2015 Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay said “We’ve already found a secret memo coming out of the Justice Department, they’re now going to go after 12 new perversions, things like bestiality, polygamy, having sex with little boys and making that legal. Not only that, but they have a whole list of strategies to go after the churches, the pastors, and any business that tries to assert their religious liberty. This is coming, and it’s coming like a tidal wave.”

This statement couldn’t be truer, the progression of acceptance from one perversion into another more extreme perversion has continued now from gay marriage to the “trans” movement, and it will only get worse from there.

Works Cited

Bill Hoffmann. “Tom DeLay: Justice Dept. Wants to Legalize 12 'Perversions'.” NewsMax. . (2015): . .

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