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Published: September 14, 2016

Creating an Agri-Giant: You’ll Never Guess Whose Just “Joined Forces” – Bayer AG & Monsanto


Think GMO’s couldn’t get any worse? They just did. Bayer AG agreed on Monday to buy Monsanto for a record-breaking $66 Billion takeover offer.

Bayer plans to pay $128 a share or Monsanto in an all-cash transaction, up from its latest offer last week of $127.50 a share, the companies said.

Rival seed developers Syngenta AG, Dow Chemical Co. and DuPont Co., have all struck their own deals in recent months. Pressure has built on agrichemical groups to slash costs and build scale as farmers grapple with a three-year slide in crop prices that has forced makers of seeds, crop chemicals, fertilizers and tractors to cut prices and lay off staff.

Nazi Germany part 2?

Bayer AG, the parent company of Bayer aspirin, was part of the German chemical conglomerate involved in the Holocaust. Turn the page to Monsanto and Monsanto was also engaged in war crimes with their use of Agent Orange under Operation Ranch Hand.

Operation Ranch Hand, ran from 1967 until 1971 and included the U.S. military dousing 20 million gallons of defoliants and herbicides over the fields of Vietnam to kill the vegetation. Operation Ranch Hand consisted of spraying a variety of highly toxic polychlorinated herbicide solutions. Which contained a variety of chemicals that are known to be (in addition to killing plant life) human and animal mitochondrial toxins, immunotoxins, hormone disrupters, genotoxins, mutagens, teratogens, diabetogens and carcinogens that were manufactured by such amoral multinational corporate chemical giants like Monsanto, Dow Chemical, DuPont and Diamond Shamrock (now Valero Energy).

The combination, both corporations have committed atrocities, both have committed crimes against humanity for profit, and both just joined forces.

The ideology behind allowing chemical giants, such as Monsanto and Bayer AG to manufacture our foods raises stark questions about if the “Operation Ranch Hand” is still underway in the US and abroad.

As if it wasn’t bad enough already, now with an agriculture giant like Monsanto running the food operations, and a pharmaceuticals giant like Bayer running the medical; there sure will be even more “profits.”

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