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Published: May 23, 2017

Artificial Intelligence: The Judge, Jury, and Executioner – AI is Already Incriminating Citizens


Evil angry robot . Render on blackbackground

Artificial intelligence has arrived in the court systems and its already incriminating citizens.

The future fiasco of AI penalizing Americans for thought crimes has begun and according to chief justice Roberts it’s already causing problems in the legal systems of America.

Chief Justice Roberts recently attended an event, and was asked whether he could foresee a day “when smart machines, driven by artificial intelligence, will assist with courtroom fact-finding or, more controversially even, judicial decision making.” He responded: “It’s a day that’s here and it’s putting a significant strain on how the judiciary goes about doing things.”

According to Ph.D. researcher Christopher Markou, of the University of Cambridge;

Roberts might have been referring to the recent case of Eric Loomis, who was sentenced to six years in prison at least in part by the recommendation of a private company’s secret proprietary software. Loomis, who has a criminal history and was sentenced for having fled the police in a stolen car, now asserts that his right to due process was violated as neither he nor his representatives were able to scrutinize or challenge the algorithm behind the recommendation.   — Read More

The report that the judge accessed while making the decision to incriminate Mr. Loomis came from a software product called Compas, which is created and sold to the courts by Northpointe Inc. In their marketing plan we see the true agenda (if pdf doesn’t display correctly, please click download).

As one can see, this is no conspiracy; this is reality. Just like a Facebook profile, Compas is creating a profile on an offender and then deciphering the data gathered from all different sources into probabilities and charts. The data collected in the case of Mr. Loomis is sealed, and according to Ph.D. researcher Christopher Markou the data collected can include; “a number of charts and diagrams quantifying Loomis’ life, behavior and likelihood of re-offending. It may also include his age, race, gender identity, browsing habits and, I don’t know … measurements of his skull. The point is we don’t know.”

Increasingly as technology integrates with our day to day lives the data available becomes monstrous and according to Microsoft’s privacy policy, the amount of data collected is already stupendously gigantic;

Their privacy policy clearly states that every interaction you make with its software or hardware, be it creating a new Microsoft account, entering a search term on Bing, seeking help from Cortana, or contacting their customer support, it will record your data.

The motive behind collecting enormous amounts of information from consumers was expressed by Microsoft’s CEO, Satya Nadella. On the day of his appointment, he sent out an email to all the employees, explaining that in the coming decade, every aspect of our life, business and the world would be digitized. To achieve this feat, he stated, “This will be made possible by an ever-growing network of connected devices, incredible computing capacity from the cloud, insights from big data, and intelligence from machine learning.”

What this means is that Microsoft will go to great lengths to access your personal information. Insights from big data and intelligence from machine learning are only possible once Microsoft has knowledge about your online behavior. The worrying factor is that during the Prism fiasco, NSA collaborated with internet giants (including Microsoft) to tap into users search history, emails, live chats, transferred documents, communications, and much more. You can only imagine how many similar illegal surveillance programs are lurking in the shadows that no one has blown the whistle on yet.  — Read More

To top that off, several other tech giants are looking to not only capture our “personally identifiable information” online, but rather they are seeking to capture our data from the day to day as well. Nvidia, the graphics card company is teaming up with governments, security firms, retail stores, and security camera makers to provide video analytics about entire cities. Nvidia plans to use machine learning to analyze video feeds from hundreds of different sources to provide information on citizens to governments, police forces, businesses and so on.

The enormous amount of data collected and analyzed by these systems will be stored on each individual and spreads far beyond the ‘online world.’ As Christopher and Chief Justice Roberts proved above, Artificial Intelligence has made the leap from online to reality. The Artificial Intelligence takeover has commenced, what say you reader?

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