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Published: December 28, 2017

Burning Man just released their 2018 theme and you won’t guess what it is


Recently we reported that the Google founders chose their CEO by taking him to burning man, a ritualistic new age event of desolation. Burning Man released their plans for 2018, appropriately theming the Black Rock based event “I, Robot.” Here’s what they say about the event, originally posted on

“This year’s art theme will focus on the many forms of artificial intelligence that permeate our lives; from the humble algorithm and its subroutines that sift us, sort us and surveil us, to automated forms of labor that supplant us. Are we entering a Golden Age that frees us all from mindless labor? Everything, it seems, depends on HMI, the Human-Machine Interface. In a world increasingly controlled by smart machines, who will be master and who will be the slave?

And yet, if we turn the telescope around and regard the capacity of robots to process information and draw conclusions from almost unlimited databases, it becomes possible to imagine a solipsistic world in which most of our friends or even all of our friends will be robots: we would be surrounded by a slave labor force. Having out-sourced our minds, we might choose to out-source our selves. Who doesn’t want a friend who mirrors one’s own opinion of one’s self? Already it appears we may be moving in this direction. Consumerism makes us crave convenience and seek instant gratification, pointing toward an automated future shorn of human contact.

The allure of immortality and god-like powers is as old as god. The Greeks, who more or less invented humanism, had a word for this ― they called it hubris, making it the basis of all tragedy. This enduring fantasy is lately clothed in cyber-togs. It is said that computational power is increasing exponentially, much like the singularity that created the universe, and charts and numbers are employed to predict the point in time at which this supra-intelligence will take over.

This is a millenarian idea, sometimes called the Rapture of the Techies, and like all such schemes, it is essentially a religious concept now dressed in the trappings of science. In this scenario, the future rule of one vast integrated Robot will exceed all human comprehension. This notion also contains an ingenious escape clause, a sort of intellectual insurance policy. When pressed to pinpoint exactly when this event will occur, its acolytes reply that it may have already happened — its advent will elude the grasp of slimy brains.

Burning Man has been pioneering the post-work world for decades. What would you do if you could do what you wanted? And not what you had to do to make a living? Reawakening those desires is a transformative experience.”

2018 seems to be dubbed the year of robotics, as even the Olympics will be including robots to replace jobs like security. Not only that but Hanson Robotics Sophia has actually been granted citizenship in Saudi Arabia and continues to call for “humanoid rights.” The fourth industrial revolution is the planned downfall using artificial intelligence and other technology to steal jobs and put people on a universal basic income under a ruling class. The scheme has been discussed openly by tech giants, the United Nations, and the World Economic Forum to name a few and it shouldn’t be taken lightly. Burning Man is just another way to indoctrinate people into wanting that future.

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