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Published: July 17, 2016

Was the US or Erdogan behind the Turkey Coup? The Failed Coup Signals the End of NATO and the EU


Discovering the hidden hand guiding the failed Turkey coup brings about the question, Could Erdogan or the US have been behind attempted coup?

The Turkish failed Coup may signal an end to NATO and the European Union. An emboldened Erdogan overplaying his cards might signal the final nail in the coffin of NATO and the European Union, or at least it would significantly destabilize the current power structure.

Meanwhile, Turkey is on the hunt for those who took part in the dissent. In total over 2,745 judges and 2800 soldiers were arrested all while the Turkish leader strips away the last semblances of checks and balances within the country. Erdogan will attempt to extend his position of power, and some world leaders are citing repression as the expectation.

The emboldened Erdogan had already stripped opposition Kurdish parliamentarians of immunity by enacting a constitutional amendment in May leaving many EU lawmakers to worry that the Turkish president will move to imprison these opposition lawmakers under the country’s expanded terrorism code.

“Still another EU official said that “clearly Europe would have more reasons to worry if the coup had prevailed,” but if Turkey proceeds to imprison peaceful opposition en masse then many European lawmakers signal that they will be forced to oppose the immigration deal that is keeping the European Union together by a thread.”

However, the image of the United States as a beacon of democracy, the motif carried under the banner of both the American flag and NATO forces, would be ultimately exposed as a myth if Erdogan undertakes a purge of all opposition moving for mass imprisonment or a return of the death penalty.

Timing is everything. Just days prior Turkey signaled a major policy shift towards Syria, indicating that Turkey wanted to widen its circle of allies. Coming off of a six-year rupture with Israel, Turkey began to restore diplomatic ties with the Israelis. Also, Turkey expressed regret and remorse over the downing of a Russian warplane. Both signaling that Turkey was making a move to widen its circle.

“Russia, Israel …we will widen our circle of friendships both domestically and abroad. We have started to do this abroad. We have normalised our relations with Syria and Israel. Not with Syria, let me correct that. But I am sure that we’ll eventually return to normal relations with Syria, too. We do need it.”

Was it the US?

The failed coup according to Turkey’s Labor Minister, has the US’ fingerprints all over it. Turkey houses a key point of infrastructure for NATO and The US’ oversight of the Middle East, and if the coup came to fruition thousands of US troops would be forced to leave the base under US law.

Given the nature of the coup and the timing, it would appear that the US was attempting to stop the “widening” of Turkey’s circle with a coup. If that is proven the case then the 2,000 US troops, nuclear warheads, and other weaponry housed at the Turkish Incirlik base would come under direct fire and lead to war with Turkey. Pending investigation, all strikes against ISIS from the Incirlik base were ceased, and the power to the base was cut.

Was it Erdogan?

Claiming violations to human rights, the leaders of the coup failed to “liberate” Turkey from the hands of Erdogan. However, something very strange is afoot. The question is, did Erdogan stage the coup, to ultimately gain more power and control? Many of the soldiers involved thought that they were taking part in a drill or a military exercise stating that they didn’t know it was ‘for real’. “Only when people began to climb on the tanks, we understood everything,” the soldiers said, according to Hurriyet newspaper.

However, as of right now strikes on ISIS have resumed from the Turkish base, but the ‘systemic purge’ continues. With over 6,000 detained, the situation remains extremely fluid. Given the lack of planning and execution, it would appear as though the coup was a plan from Erdogan to seize more control.

The European Union is hanging on by a thread, and NATO is one step from getting dismantled. All of which is a part of a larger agenda to bring more control to Europe. Such of which is called the European Superstate. If Erdogan oversteps his bounds, then Europe will fall. If the coup were successful Europe would fall; the situation leads to the same conclusion. The potential outcome would bring about a larger war in the Middle East and the European Superstate Compact.

Works Cited

RT. “Turkish commander of air base housing US nukes detained for complicity in coup attempt – official .” RT. . (2016): . .

RT. “ Turkish soldiers thought coup was military ‘exercise’ .” RT. . (2016): . .

David Rosenberg. “US government behind Turkish coup attempt, Turkish minister says.” Arutz Sheva. . (2016): . .

EuroNews. “Turkey hints at major policy shift towards Syria.” EuroNews. . (2016): . .

Sputnik. “Failed Turkey Coup May Signal Beginning of the End for NATO, European Union.” Sputnik. . (2016): . .

Sputnik. “Claims Emerge that Erdogan Faked his own Coup in order to Wield More Power.” Sputnik News. . (2016): . .


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