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Published: July 18, 2019

Drag Queen group defaced public property in Lafayette Louisiana


It was about this time last year when the Lafayette Public Library threw open the LGBT Pandora’s Box. Even though the library ultimately failed to have their taxpayer funded drag show for toddlers event, their effort, like W. W. Jacobs’ well known short story, The Monkey’s Paw, has spawned one unintended consequence after another. Unlike the story, though, there’s no remaining wish to make it all go away. In fact, that’s almost a direct quote from Matthew Humphrey, the leader of the anti-Christian group PFLAG, during Tuesday night’s council meeting: “We are not going away.”

During the monologue, he demanded not tolerance, not acceptance, but active participation in the furthering of his political agenda – declaring the town to be gay. He said that if you aren’t actively pushing the agenda with him, then you’re not his ally. Government officials abandoning their personal morality to join his effort was haphazardly thrown on his heap of demands. There was also a veiled threat to disrupt Lafayette’s local economy if the community continues to resist his advances. His full comments can be viewed at the 55:15 mark here:

Defacing public property?

It was just one month ago that the Lafayette Council narrowly rejected a bid to declare Lafayette a gay city. The very next day, the vice president of PFLAG, locally known as Aimee Boyd Robinson, mustered a small squad to paint the Y LafaYette sign. It was her intent to proclaim that, regardless of the council vote, the town was now under the group’s subjugation. In an interview with local newspaper, the Daily Advertiser, admitted that local support for their effort was so poor that they couldn’t even afford a few gallons of paint without seeking financial assistance from out-of-state donors.

To paint the Y LafaYette sign permission must be secured from the local government through a well-documented process. Public records requests provided by attorney Joy C. Rabalais, acting on behalf of the local government, reveal that no written permission was sought by or granted to anyone to paint the sign. This isn’t much of a surprise, as it would be extremely unwise for a government employee to openly defy the council immediately following their vote, and to do so in writing. However, it’s possible that the city employee responsible for making such a decision was contacted by telephone. Whether permission was granted or not, the bureaucrats were either complicit in or unaware of the coup. The sign stayed painted for several days without any public official filing complaints of trespassing and/or defacing public property.

Group aggressively confronts detractors

Several local veterans groups, including the Marine Corps League and American Legion, who had acquired the appropriate permissions, donned the sign with a patriotic makeover just days ahead of Independence Day celebrations. During a press conference soon after, a Vice President of the PFLAG group named Hannah Boni accosted several of the volunteers with a barrage of ear-scorching epithets. When confronted by a larger number of volunteers, she scurried away, loudly suggesting that everyone visit her website.

The local PFLAG chapter is relatively recent. It’s comprised mostly by former members of “Acadiana Supporters of Drag Queen Story Time.” It’s members continue to occasionally appear at Lafayette Library Board of Control meetings to demand that the taxpayers fund their drag queen event for three-year-olds. The most recent board meeting attended was May 20th, when PFLAG President Matthew Humphrey and VP Hannah Boni threatened to sic the ACLU on the board if they didn’t comply with the group’s demands.

Deep ties to political candidates

We need to return for a moment to the June 18th council meeting, which voted against the gay city resolution. Normally, the type of proclamation sought by PFLAG is simply issued by an agreeable executive. It can only be supposed that the current executive, Mayor-President Joel Robideaux, must have been unwilling to sign onto such a proclamation because the group pushed for a council resolution instead.

The same government whose permission must be sought to paint the Y LafaYette sign has also recently undergone a major and controversial overhaul. Specifics aside, the leader of that effort, Mrs. Carlee Alm-Labar, is now running to be the executive in charge of the government she herself is responsible for re-defining. Volunteers in the redefinition effort and her campaign for office include multiple like-minded groups including PFLAG, Acadiana Supporters of Drag Queen Story Time, and Delta Lambda Phi, a gay fraternity “colony” on the local college campus.
This point is important because the current executive is not running for re-election and will soon be replaced by someone else. If the new executive so wishes, they may simply sign the proclamation without council approval. Considering the group that’s aggressively working to get Mrs. Alm-Labar elected is the same group pushing the LGBT agenda, one can only speculate that the success of her campaign means taxpayer funded drag events for three-year-olds and striking the American standard to raise in its place the PFLAG.

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