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Whispers of The Fallen: Socialist and Communist Ideals Set To Overtake the Democratic Party

Remember, remember the fifth of November, or in this case, in the United States, it's the sixth. The Media is building up this year's...

Next-Gen Socialists – The Persecution of Christianity; What the Left and Communist China Have...

The next wave of socialists are revolutionaries much like the ones of the distant past, they will use any means necessary to accomplish their goals, which unfortunately is wrapped under the guise of equality and love.

The Socialists Are Coming: Democrats Gear Up For Mid-Terms and The Next Presidential Election

Throughout the twentieth century, America physically fought socialism and communism to prevent the infectiously dangerous virus that is behind the economic and political ideology. However, in the twenty-first century, America is electing those same ideologies to its own Government.

The Changing of The Times: New Research Confirms the Next Generation is in Trouble

It's no secret that America is heading in a secular direction with each passing generation. However, new research aims to prove that the trend...

Google the “Gatekeeper” Leaks Creepy “thought experiment” on their Social Engineering Power

Google squashes competition, dominates multiple markets, and controls what people have access to on the internet. It's been increasingly clear that more than any...

Genetic Engineering with CRISPR Gets the Go Ahead, but Ethical Concerns Over Gene Editing...

What is CRISPR? Every cell in our body contains a copy of our genome, DNA. Our genes shape who we are as individuals and as...

Ritual Reproved: Burning Man’s 2018 ‘Dystopian Hellscape’

Beginning at the bleak hour of 3 o'clock in the morning, from August 26th until September 3rd, an event described as a "glorious Hell...

CERN Searches Inner Earth For Interdimensional Particles – The Occult Connection

While Gods truth provides answers, the enemy works tirelessly to cover them up. With the enemies primary goal of usurping Gods position, he manipulates the Word and uses the truths provided within it to get his way and infect the minds of others. Satans kingdom in these end times is being built for his short reign on this earth. It’s being built by science and technology. One of the leaders in both of those fields is CERN, as they created the world wide web and run the Large Hadron Collider.

The Federalizing of Local Police Will Lead To Global Police, and it’s already Begun...

The Obama administration has basically federalized all local law enforcement, by placing them under the jurisdiction of The Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice.

Bio-tech is Dramatically Changing Food Production; The Death of Nutrition

What is and isn't acceptable to eat is about to change greatly under the claims that the continually changing atmosphere of the food industry...