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Published: October 8, 2019

If You Give A Liberal A Pen They Will Expose Their Own Hatred And Intolerance. Fake Named Author Releases Despicable Book About President Trump


An author, cowardly known by only their pen name “Faye Kanouse” has recently published what appears to be their only book titled “If You Give A Pig A White House: A Parody“. The book is a repulsive attempt to shame and embarrass President Trump while using a popular children’s book as it’s inspiration. Equally disturbing is the fact that the authors pen name sounds like the phrase “fake a noose” when said out loud. On the what appears to be the back of the book, more parodical information about the author is as followed:


Below is the over view of the 2.5 star rated book according to


         “A coiffed and blustery pig has shoved his way into the White House! A cleverly worded and illustrated picture book, this is the adult parody of the beloved children’s cautionary tale, If You Give a Pig a Pancake. Watch in dismay as the presidential pig gets into trouble, binges on too much Fox News and fast food, and cavalierly threatens national security. If You Give a Pig the White House both lovingly caricatures the original children’s book and shows just what can happen when a greedy anti-hero tracks his hooves all over America.”

The book is a parody of the child’s book series “If You Give…” book series by author Laura Joffe Numeroff. Numeroff’s stories are full of chain reaction events meant to teach children lessons on cause and effect.

Source unknown at time of publishing

The book was recently spotted in the new release section of Barnes & Noble with two copies remaining on the shelf.

The poorly rated book is available at locations such as Barnes & Noble,, Kobo, and through Macmillin publishing company.


A brief gimps into the revolting parody book can be seen [HERE]

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