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Published: February 8, 2018

Katy Perry talks of childhood trauma and doing a ‘soul overhaul’


Katy Perry has opened up to talk about her childhood trauma in a recent interview with Glamour magazine. In 2017, while debuting her alum Witness, Katy Perry held a public therapy session on YouTube where she was counseled through the split between Katheryn Hudson, the young girl she was before stardom, and Katy Perry, the Hollywood celebrity. The split within her was so dramatic that both personalities were fully developed, one she says is only about 13 years old, the other 33. In this therapy session, Katy speaks on integrating Katheryn.

During her Youtube therapy session through tears, she explains why she shaved her head. “I’m really strong as Katy Perry, but sometimes I’m not as strong as Katheryn Hudson. People talk about my hair right? And they don’t like it, or they wish that it was longer. I so badly want to be Katheryn Hudson that I don’t even want to look like Katy Perry sometimes. And that is a little bit of why I cut my hair is because I really want to be my authentic self.”

In the Glamour interview, Katy expands on where she is spiritually. She says she uses transcendental meditation and yoga to come back into reality. In true reality, as a new age practice, transcendental meditation and yoga are about emptying your mind which is not the type of meditation condoned by the Bible, which says to meditate on God’s word day and night.

Katy explains, “I wonder if I just press the reset button and surrender to love and surrender to loving myself that I would still be able to have all the things that I dream I could have as Katherine Hudson, and I knew it would be a delicate balance.”

Like in her therapy session, Katy once again describes her desire to return to Katheryn Hudson by doing a “soul overhaul.”

“I’m preparing to do a big soul overhaul very soon that I’m nervous about. I want to emotionally elevate myself. I don’t want to hold on to childhood trauma anymore. I want to grow into becoming an adult. I’m preparing myself for having a family of my own someday. And that’s the thing: I want to do a little bit more soul surgery before I have a family of my own so that I don’t transfer any of those lingering feelings. I’m about to go heavy into that emotional process, and I’m nervous, but I don’t think I have a choice anymore. This last year has been about killing my ego, which has been really necessary for my career. But for my personal life, it doesn’t work that way. If I want to have that true balance, I have to step into being Katheryn Hudson.”

Katy seems to be wishing to go back to an innocent place that she held within herself growing up as a Christian that she abandoned when she was 13 as she entered the Hollywood scene where she had to degrade herself to sell albums.

The only way she will ever get back to that place is if she turns from her ways and the ways of the world and repents for leading so many astray. No new age meditation, yoga, or esoteric knowledge holds the power that Christ does to heal deep soul wounds. No power in this world can do a “soul overhaul,” to save your soul like Jesus Christ.

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