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Published: May 11, 2016



CERN is officially back in commission as of May 9th 2016, just two days after the strange cloud formation appeared over their facility. The real question is what were they really up to during their brief “maintenance” period?

Below is the release regarding their official re-commission for the start of the 2016 physics run.

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and its experiments are back in action, now taking physics data for 2016 that will give us an improved understanding of fundamental physics.

On Friday, 25 March the most powerful collider in the world was switched back on after its annual winter break. The accelerator complex and experiments have been fine-tuned using low-intensity beams and pilot proton collisions, and now the LHC and the experiments are ready to take an abundance of data.

The LHC operators will now increase the intensity of the beams so that the machine produces a larger number of collisions.

“The LHC is running extremely well,” says CERN Director for Accelerators and Technology, Frédérick Bordry. “We now have an ambitious goal for 2016, as we plan to deliver around six times more data than in 2015.”

“The restart of the LHC always brings with it great emotion,” says Fabiola Gianotti, CERN Director General. “With the 2016 data, the experiments will be able to perform improved measurements of the Higgs boson and other known particles and phenomena, and look for new physics with an increased discovery potential.”

This is the second year the LHC will run at a collision energy of 13 TeV. During the first phase of Run 2 in 2015, operators mastered steering the accelerator at this new higher energy by gradually increasing the intensity of the beams.

Beams are made of “trains” of bunches, each containing around 100 billion protons, moving at almost the speed of light around the 27-kilometre ring of the LHC. These bunch trains circulate in opposite directions and cross each other at the centre of experiments. Last year, operators increased the number of proton bunches up to 2244 per beam, spaced at intervals of 25 nanoseconds. These enabled the ATLAS and CMS collaborations to study data from about 400 million million proton–proton collisions. In 2016, operators will increase the number of particles circulating in the machine and the squeezing of the beams in the collision regions. The LHC will generate up to 1 billion collisions per second in the experiments. – SOURCE

The LHC is about to crank things up even higher, this is the beginning of their 2016 run and already there have been mass earthquakes, the magnetosphere is malfunctioning, and now portals within the clouds are opening up directly above the machine.

Previously FFT reported that the public data from the LHC was a flat out lie, so it will be painstakingly hard for individuals to decipher what CERN is up to; which is why these images and phenomena are so important when caught. If you have any data you would potentially like shared about the LHC please pass it along.


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