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Published: April 21, 2017

New Children’s Book by MIT: ‘Communism For Kids’ – Intends to Brainwash the Youth into a Murderous Political Death Cult


MIT, The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, released a new book and you’ll never guess what it’s about; Communism For Kids.

Is this a joke? No. MIT has actually published a book for “lovable little revolutionaries” who are ready to experience their “political awakening” as early as three years old. The book showcases the incredible levels of indoctrination and brainwashing that goes into the modern education system.

The Overview

Once upon a time, people yearned to be free of the misery of capitalism. How could their dreams come true? This little book proposes a different kind of communism, one that is true to its ideals and free from authoritarianism. Offering relief for many who have been numbed by Marxist exegesis and given headaches by the earnest pompousness of socialist politics, it presents political theory in the simple terms of a children’s story, accompanied by illustrations of lovable little revolutionaries experiencing their political awakening.

Book By Bini Adamczak

The illustrations depicted on the book cover are of two kids, “lovable little revolutionaries,” destroying property. The author of the book, Bini Adamczak, is based in Berlin and is a social theorist and artist.

She writes on political theory, queer politics, and the past future of revolutions. Apparently, now she is authoring children’s books that teach communism in a “good light.”

Taking it a step further, the book also brings to life the reality of demonic practice being actively done by ‘atheists.’ Further, in the overview, the author describes her book as such;

It all unfolds like a story, with jealous princesses, fancy swords, displaced peasants, mean bosses, and tired workers–not to mention a Ouija board, a talking chair, and a big pot called “the state.” Before they know it, readers are learning about the economic history of feudalism, class struggles in capitalism, different ideas of communism, and more.

Ouija boards, for children as young as three, the literal insanity that has become the education system. While schools around the country further bring about the political ideology of communism, the UN is plotting and planning the totalitarian agenda of communism. Just last year the UN at the seventy-first regular session has aggregated the role of the United Nations in promoting a new global human order into their agenda.

In addition to the aforementioned under section A. titled, “Promotion of sustained economic growth and sustainable development in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the General Assembly and recent United Nations conferences,” is also the plan for total Globalization and interdependence. – Learn More here.

Even though the author mentions Marxism, there is still the failure to realize how horrific communism is. In the 20th century, the communist ideology was responsible for approximately 94 Million deaths, making it the most deadly ‘killer’ in from 1900-2000.

MIT is not the only entity pushing communism on the populace of America, in fact, there are several journalists who are systematically turning a blind eye to the horrors committed by the political ideology from hell.

The following comes from News Busters:

 “Despite what many Americans think, most Soviets do not yearn for capitalism or Western-style democracy.”
— Anchor Dan Rather on the CBS Evening News, June 17, 1987.

“The reality is that even if the communist state were to protect individual rights aggressively, many of its people are not prepared to tolerate diversity.”
— Dan Rather on the May 27, 1988 CBS Evening News.

“East Germany is the Communist world’s vaunted economic success story, hailed as proof that hard work, discipline and thrift can translate Karl Marx’s theories into reality.”
— New York Times reporter Ferdinand Protzman in the May 15, 1989 “Business Day” section.

“Communism got to be a terrible word here in the United States, but our attitude toward it may have been unfair. Communism got in with a bad crowd when it was young and never had a fair chance….The Communist ideas of creating a society in which everyone does his best for the good of everyone is appealing and fundamentally a more uplifting idea than capitalism. Communism’s only real weakness seems to be that it doesn’t work.”
— 60 Minutes commentator Andy Rooney in the New York Times, June 26, 1989.

“Like Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev before him, [Vladimir] Kryuchkov has taken the personal route, talking of his fondness for Bellini’s opera ‘Norma.’ He swoons over the piano mastery of Van Cliburn, and hints that he would arrange a Moscow apartment for the pianist if he would only come here more often. Then he sighs over his exhausting workday at Dzerzhinsky Square: ‘The KGB chairman’s life is no bed of roses.’”
— Reporter David Remnick in The Washington Post, September 8, 1989. Two years later, Kryuchkov was part of the hardline “Gang of Eight” that attempted to overthrow Gorbachev.

“Marx and Lenin are still revered heroes. Never mind that communism as they conceived it didn’t work. Most Soviets don’t want to dump it, just improve on it.”
— USA Today founder Al Neuharth, February 9, 1990 column.

The infiltration of communistic ideology has deep roots within the Liberal left, mainstream media, and several other influential organizations praised by today’s culture. What say you reader?

Works Cited

Bini Adamczak. “Communism for Kids.” MIT Press. . (2017): . .

Scott Whitlock. “Not a Misprint: MIT Press to Publish ‘Communism for Kids’ Book.” NewsBusters. . (2017): . .

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