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Published: April 16, 2015

MRAPS Blank SHOTS, Military Drills Take Place At a Middle School!


A step to0 far, MRAPS have been spotted at a middle school in West Virginia. The amount of states participating in JADE HELM has yet to be fully discovered but what is apparent is the meaning of JADE HELM. Martial Law is coming to America and it will be sooner than some expected and later than some expected. The Military film below came from a post on facebook!

Just taken at Bluefield Middle School

Posted by Sean Settle on Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Not only are the MRAPS enough to scare kids, but shooting blanks? Children could and would think, and feel the anxiety and the fear that is being put off. Which means that in the future these children will be more prone to accept government ideology over freedom ideology. The reason being…. they are scared.

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