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Published: March 1, 2017

Nazi Technology on Steroids: The Coming Augmented Reality, Where Computers Are ‘Alive’ and Cognitive


Are you ready for a world where technology and man are one? Science and technology have brought us to the point of “cyber-physical systems” which will soon exist, and this new reality is rapidly unfolding.

As for what that means? Look no further than George Orwell’s book 1984, and the Qualcomm Institute in San Diego and imagine a world where cars and buildings are alive and function like a nervous system. Billions of sensors throughout all walls, frames, floors, and doors which track all forms of movement, and monitor every aspect of life that draws near, like Nazi, Germany on steroids.

No actually, the Nazi’s played a significant role in what is taking place today; in fact, historically – IBM’s cognitive computer was named after it’s founder Thomas J. Watson who worked directly with Adolf Hitler during the years of World War II. Watson was so heavily involved with the Nazi’s that arguably, the Holocaust could not have taken place without him. Moreover, documents portray with crystal clarity the personal involvement and micro-management of IBM president Thomas J. Watson in the company’s co-planning and co-organizing of Hitler’s campaign to destroy the Jews.

IBM’s twelve-year alliance with the Third Reich was first revealed in my book IBM and the Holocaust, published simultaneously in 40 countries in February 2001. It was based on some 20,000 documents drawn from archives in seven countries. IBM never denied any of the information in the book; and despite thousands of media and communal requests, as well as published articles, the company has remained silent…

Among the newly-released documents and archival materials are secret 1941 correspondence setting up the Dutch subsidiary of IBM to work in tandem with the Nazis, company President Thomas Watson’s personal approval for the 1939 release of special IBM alphabetizing machines to help organize the rape of Poland and the deportation of Polish Jews, as well as the IBM Concentration Camp Codes including IBM’s code for death by Gas Chamber. Among the newly published photos of the punch cards is the one developed for the statistician who reported directly to Himmler and Eichmann.

The significance of the incriminating documents requires context.

Punch cards, also called Hollerith cards after IBM founder Herman Hollerith, were the forerunner of the computers that IBM is famous for today. These cards stored information in holes punched in the rows and columns, which were then “read” by a tabulating machine. The system worked like a player piano — but this one was devoted to the devil’s music. First designed to track people and organize a census, the Hollerith system was later adapted to any tabulation or information task. – Read More

Fast forward a few years, and IBM has created arguably one of the smartest machines in history, Watson. IBM in recent years drifted to the background of creating computers to focus more on creating systems designed for cognitive computing and augmented reality.

However, IBM’s Watson is not the only cognitive computer around today, in fact, Google has one too, and it is conceivably on par or better than the likes of IBM’s Watson. While claiming that Google’s Deep Mind was constructed make the world a better place, Google is using this technology to harvest medical data and other personal data. In 2016, DeepMind signed a five-year partnership with an NHS Trust to process medical data of its 1.6m patients via a mobile app. That means Google now has access to over a million people’s medical data; I’m sure that fares well with who Google sells our personal data too for advertising purposes.

These two examples of cognitive computing are reshaping the world and paving the way for an artificial intelligence take over.

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