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Published: March 12, 2021

'The Evidence is Overwhelming': New Report Accuses China's Leaders of Genocide Against Millions of Muslims


Murder. Forced sterilization and present-day concentration camps.

All tactics China is reportedly using against millions of Muslims known as Uighurs.

That conclusion in a report from the Washington, D.C.-based Newline Institute for Strategy and Policy.

The authors say they have proof that Beijing is intent on destroying China’s Muslim Uighur population as part of a broader campaign to unify the country under one ethnic identity.
“The evidence is overwhelming that China is clearly in breach of the 1948 Genocide Convention,” Dr. Azeem Ibrahim, co-author of the report and director of special initiatives with the Newlines Institute, told CBN News.

That evidence included public and leaked Chinese state documents, testimony from more than ten thousand eyewitnesses and satellite images. The overall conclusion: it all points to President Xi Jinping’s brutal goal to meld the country’s 55 ethnic minorities, including Uighurs, into China’s Han culture.

Han Chinese account for more than 90 percent of the population.
“(Xi) himself, is less of a Communist and more of a Han nationalist,” Dr. Ibrahim said. “He’s in the process of Sinification of the entire country; and it’s not just Uighur Muslims, they are of course the most prominent ones, but there’s actually other minorities too: There’s Kazakhs, Uzbeks and even actually Christians minorities, which they have a process of bulldozing their churches.”

Click above to watch: Newlines Institute’s Dr. Azeem Ibrahim joined CBN’s senior international correspondent George Thomas for a closer look at China’s crackdown on Uighur Muslims.

Seven years after President Xi told authorities to show “absolutely no mercy” to the Uighurs, as many as two million of them are now locked up in concentration camps spread across China’s Xinjiang Province.

There they endure torture, rape, forced sterilization, slave labor and are stripped of their Muslim faith and told to embrace Communist ideology.
“The Chinese propagandists call these ‘re-education camps’ or ‘vocational training centers’, they must think we are idiots,” said Gary Bauer, with the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom.

Click above to watch: Gary Bauer with the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom talked with George Thomas about how American companies are complicit in fueling the persecution of China’s Muslim population.
Some half a million Uighur children have been removed from their families, placed in state-run orphanages and brainwashed.
“Forced labor and centralized care of children serve to inhibit the inter-generational transmission of culture, religion and language by reducing joint family times and instead drastically increasing parents and children’s exposure to secular government teaching and training,” said Adrian Zenz, a prominent German researcher and a senior fellow at the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation.
Beijing is reportedly sending Han Chinese men to sleep with Muslim Uighur women while their husbands are in prison or shipped against their will to far-off towns and cities. All in an effort to promote “ethnic unity”.

“Han Chinese have actually been moved from other parts of China into Xinjiang and they are encouraged to marry, and in many cases, forcibly marry Uighur women, to essentially dilute the identity through their offspring,” said Dr. Ibrahim. “This is a very calculated and thought out process from the state apparatus in China.”
China has repeatedly denied its ethnic policies amount to genocide.

“The claim that there is ‘genocide’ in Xinjiang could not be more preposterous. It is just a rumor fabricated with ulterior motives and a thorough lie,” claimed Wang Yi, China’s foreign minister.
Meanwhile, dozens of U.S. companies like Nike, Coca-Cola, Adidas, Tommy Hilfiger and others, are facing renewed pressure to stop using Uighur workers to produce their goods in Xinjiang Province factories.

The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom accuses these companies of complicity, fueling Uighur persecution.
“If corporate America won’t take action, consumers need to and stop doing business with companies like Nike and Coca-Cola and others who benefit from forced labor in China,” Tony Perkins with Family Research Council told CBN News.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken will meet top Chinese officials in Alaska next week. He’s expected to bring up Beijing’s actions in Xinjiang.
“If China claims that there is nothing going on, that it gives access to the international community, to the United Nations, if they have nothing to hide, show it to us, show the world,” Blinken said during a House Foreign Relations Committee hearing this week.

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at CBN

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