2 IRS Whistleblowers Testify About Obstruction in Hunter Biden Case: ‘Prosecutors Concealed’ Evidence

Updated: July 19, 2023 at 5:57 pm EST  See Comments

On Capitol Hill Wednesday, two IRS whistleblowers testified before Congress, alleging political interference in their investigation of the president’s son, Hunter Biden.

IRS criminal investigator Joseph Ziegler and his former investigation supervisor Gary Shapley say their findings supported felony charges against Hunter Biden rather than the misdemeanor charges he’s set to plead guilty to next week. 

Ziegler testified, “Assigned prosecutors did not appear to follow the normal investigative process, slow-walked the investigation, and put in place unnecessary approvals and roadblocks, from effectively and efficiently investigating the case. A number of times we were not able to follow the facts.”

The two witnesses say they came forward because after more than a decade of experience. They’ve never seen an investigation be so held up or road-blocked. 

Shapley testified, “At every stage, decisions were made that benefited the subject of this investigation. For example, prosecutors concealed contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop from investigators, DOJ slow-walked steps to include interviews, serving document requests, and executing search warrants –  warrants that were ready as early as April of 2020, but were delayed until after the November 2020 election and never pursued.”
House Republicans said Hunter Biden was given preferential treatment and questioned whether the president himself would have been implicated had investigators not been held up in their work by administration officials. 

“The Dept. of Justice engaged in a campaign to delay, defuse, and deny that investigation. They delayed investigators for years, leading to the expiration of the statute of limitations for many of the crimes involved,” Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO) said. “And they denied investigators the ability to authenticate evidence, serve warrants, question witnesses and bring charges.”
The whistleblowers said it’s up to Congress to decide who is responsible for the failure to bring the full extent of charges against Hunter Biden and stressed that a special counsel should have been, and still needs to be, appointed for this case. 

As expected, Democrats tried to dismiss the two IRS agents’ claims. Ranking member Jamie Raskin (D-MD) claimed that Congress even looking into Hunter Biden’s case was an example of “interference.”
“The ongoing case the majority invites us to interfere with today is actually a striking illustration of the success of the American system of independent prosecutors operating under the rule of law and outside the realm of the kind of political influence my colleagues are trying to exercise today,” he said.

Raskin went on to say he thinks the president’s son just made mistakes and is now prepared to be held accountable for them. 

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at CBN