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Published: July 25, 2014

Australia repeals the carbon tax blob. For good?


A protester holds a placard during a no carbon tax rally in Sydney. (AFP Photo / Greg Wood)

In removing the hated, inefficient carbon tax, the Australian government has struck a blow against big government and the corporatist socialist blob of subsidized business and the extreme left recycling taxpayers’ money into inefficient schemes based on unproven science.

A bottom up movement from the southern hemisphere has shaken the dismal consensus driven through the curious “chumocracy” of peer review. Indeed the whole seriously dodgy crypto-religious revival movement of modern phobia has been shaken. Yes, indeed, dear reader, those wise owls in Australia, folks who understand the value of building an economy, as opposed to destroying it with subsidy, have just repealed their national carbon tax.

The big green blob does not like this. Not one little bit. Then again when you look at the sort of people who support the big green blob, it is a bizarre coalition of the sort of folks who usually send the trolling classes into delirium of hatred and negativity.

The failing EU is loudly abusing Australia for its wise foresight in not destroying the antipodean economy through a largely symbolic ill-designed tax which hit the poorest households as opposed to actually doing anything to change the state of the climate. As a side note, remember, the evidence suggests, the economy is not warming anyway. Radical greenies stuck waiting for polar icebreakers last year made a much more eloquent point about the non-crisis of global warming than all their rather ill-conceived hockey sticks and dire eco-snuff videos created by failed politicians turned subsidy hogging eco-venture capitalists.

Nevertheless, looking south and waving their inaccurate hockey stick diagrams in the air, a wave of trenchant lefties appear incandescent with rage. This is odd. While the dear old tree-huggers hope to send our economy back to an era of wax candle lighting where we hand knit our socks from recycled reeds, the truth is they are the warriors in the vanguard of enriching a nauseous blob of subsidy sucking big corporations who have abandoned capitalism for a free ride at the expense of other people’s money.

Therefore, Tony Abbott, a man who stands almost alone in the West as a national leader is capable of making a decision (read that and weep, EU pygmies) in the best interest of his citizens’ wallets and wellbeing. This marks a cool contrast to, say, Germany’s incredible EU-approved green program where they recycle 22 billion euro of annual subsidies into barely 2 billion euro of usable energy. Net Result: Every German resident loses $300 annually in eco-suicide. Australian expert Joanne Nova reckons every Australian spent $350 in the first year of the hated Ozzie carbon tax.

Like all ill-conceived politically skewed legislation, the original carbon tax left a burden of payment on all citizens but precluded many corporations from paying. This bizarre skew was most evident in heartlands of Labor Party support where brown coal plants were given carbon subsidies… so as not to upset the then government’s vote. Facing a Liberal opposition who were determined to support the people and remove the subsidy to the big green blob, the Labor Party was swept from power by citizens opposed to subsidy sucking incompetence.

So Tony Abbott is a rare politician: not only does he actually stick to his campaign pledges, he also believes taking money from his citizens to subsidy a miasma of corporations, NGOs and anti-capitalists endorsing inefficient wind turbines and solar power plants is actually a bad thing and acts on it! Ultimately the carbon tax was a $9 billion brake on the Australian economy penalizing its own citizens without equivalent penalties being applied to other economies.
Australia thus joins Canada in the vanguard of the movement for climate common sense. Canada withdrew from the Kyoto protocol strictures in 2011 and Australia has now downgraded a dismal attempt at political grandstanding to raise revenue for that bankrupt Western government spendthrift model.

Momentum amongst the bizarre modern day cult of global warming is slipping. The green blob of the extreme left who so hate freedom they are in an unholy alliance with a blob of big government, big NGOs and big business eating subsidies from the workers’ taxes. However, the blob’s inability to separate fact from a computer synthesized data set in their erroneous models will eventually testify to the old fashioned superstition of many who seem to have missed out the cool rational ability to dissect data in the digital age.

Meanwhile a UN sponsored climate conference in Venezuela has just voted to repeal capitalism – in a land where the toilet paper has to be recycled due to the inefficiency of the state, this is almost as laughable as global warming hysteria.

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