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Published: February 15, 2022

Bless Others Like Jesus Would on Acts of Kindness Day: ‘What We Do for Others, We Do for Him’



Random Act of Kindness Day is being celebrated on Feb. 17 as a way to spread positivity by showing goodwill towards others. But don’t be thrown off by the word “random”, because acts of kindness can be very intentional, very biblical, and a perfect opportunity to live like Jesus.

Acts of kindness can be big or small. They can be a blessing to the recipient, the giver, and those who witness the kind gesture.

While this special day serves as an important motivator, these unexpected acts can be carried out any day instead of just one day a year. In fact, God calls us to be kind to one another all the time.

What the Bible Says About Kindness

Scripture points out ways to spread kindness to those around us and why it’s so important. 

“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” – Ephesians 4:32 

“So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them.” – Matthew 7:12 

“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:11 
Compassion Within the Church

Showing generosity to others is also rooted in what it means to be a Christian. Many churches have ministries that solely focus on service and giving.

A 2019 Barna study showed that 83 percent of pastors and 63 percent of Christians say having mercy towards people often influences their words and actions. 

Whether it’s organizing a food bank, collecting donations, or planning a mission trip, the church often plays a vital role in Christians carrying out intentional acts of kindness.

Rob Williams, ministry leader for The Journey Church in Chesapeake, VA, told CBN News that in obedience to God, Christians should be serving the community.

“Jesus told a story that ended with the King saying that what we do for others, we do for Him and if we don’t serve others, we are not serving Him,” Williams explained. “Even though I don’t have a lot to offer, I remember the boy with the loaves and fish. When you bring what little you have to Jesus, it is always more than enough.” 

Vigilant Hope, a missions-based nonprofit in Wilmington, North Carolina, is centered around loving and serving the impoverished.

Jeremy Hardy, who serves as executive director for the organization, says one of the highest calls for a Christ-follower is to love everyone and live out that love. 

“I firmly believe that kindness is a deep-rooted thing that we carry as image barriers of Christ and once you start to show kindness, it begins helping you identify who you are in Christ,” Hardy told CBN News.  

“We see that it’s very evident that the Lord has called His people to be in the midst of loving others,” he added. “You can see it in how Jesus lived His life.”    

Ways to Carry Out Kindness

Random Acts of Kindness Day aims to inspire people to be good-hearted by performing gracious acts without expecting anything in return.

Mary Allsbrook heads up CBN’s local outreach efforts, and she believes that showing others that you care can be “contagious.”

“If you show people that you truly love them – they can feel it,” she explained. “And if you are consistent with that love, whether by actions or words, people will see the joy loving others gives you. You’ll find that they want that joy, too. Loving on people can be contagious. It feels good to be kind to one another.”  

And Allsbrook says the opportunities to be a blessing are boundless.

“Make a meal for a sick friend, give a neighbor a ride to the doctor, call or send a card to someone who lost a loved one, offer a kind word to the cashier … there are a zillion ways to be kind to others, every day. Be the example of kindness … you will reap the rewards ten-fold!”

Performing kind acts can generate a positive impact in multiple ways, in addition to making the world a little brighter. 

The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation (RAK) was created in the 1990s as a resource to educate people on the benefits of altruism. The foundation strives to “make kindness the norm” and believes that doing good can decrease stress and boost energy.

Another celebrated occasion is World Kindness Day which is recognized on Nov. 13 with the purpose of helping people understand that showing compassion for others can bring unity to a divided world. 

In the end, Jesus said it best when he said, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” – John 13:34-35

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The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at CBN

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