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Published: March 19, 2017

Facebook Investigating After Christian Mom Claims Page Continues To Be Censored


Despite the recent apology made by Facebook for temporarily shutting down a Christian blogger’s page after a discussion on biblical views on homosexuality, Elizabeth Johnston still claims that Facebook continues to censor her page. According to reports, Johnston, who writes “The Activist Mommy,” told CBN News this week that her fans report they are having problems accessing her Facebook page and sharing or liking her content.

She recently stated “People are contacting me saying, ‘I cannot access your page at all–my app shuts down when I click on your page.’ They say, ‘I cannot share your page–there are no share buttons on your videos’ or ‘I cannot like your page–when I like your page and I go back the next day it is unliked,’” The report indicates that a Facebook spokesperson allegedly told CBN News that Johnston contacted the company about the issues and that a representative is working with her. In all reality, Is anyone truly surprised if this is continuing to happen?

After all a new report has revealed that it’s about to get much worse and will likely see many more pages disappearing from Facebook and Twitter. Why? Because the content will “violate” their new policies. Even Google has come out and has created new “review teams” that will flag content that might be deemed as “upsetting” or “offensive”. Also included in this will be content that promotes “hate” or “violence” against a specific group of people based on gender, race or other criteria. Sources indicate that Google will attempt to suppress content that is deemed “inaccurate” or has other “questionable attributes”, thereby giving prominence to trustworthy sources.
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