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Published: September 22, 2021

Former Israeli Ambassador to UN: Israel Needs to Listen to Threats of Its Enemies More than Promises of Its Allies


Israel hopes the U.S. will not rejoin the nuclear deal with Iran, former Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon said.

“It was a bad deal in 2015, and today it’s even worse,” Danon told CBN News in a wide-ranging interview.

President Biden told the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday that the U.S. is willing to fully comply with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) if Iran does, too.  

President Obama entered the deal in 2015 and President Trump unilaterally withdrew from it in 2018.

“And look what happened only a few hours before the speech of President Biden.  All of a sudden, the Iranians announced that they are willing to go back to negotiations. They are playing. They are cheating. They are not honest,” Danon said.

“We hope that the US and other democracies will not fall for the traps of the Iranians, will not go back to the JCPOA because going back to the agreement is basically giving the legitimacy to the Iranians to continue with their ambitions to achieve a nuclear bomb,” he said.

The US says it won’t allow Iran to obtain a nuclear bomb. Danon said the just world woke up one day and North Korea had a nuclear bomb and Israel can’t let that happen.

Danon recalled a conversation he had with the late author Elie Wiesel on his first day as ambassador. He said Wiesel told him, “Listen very carefully to the threats of your enemies, more than the promises of your allies.”

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at CBN

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