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Published: December 8, 2023

House Passes DETERRENT Act to Track Foreign Money on US College Campuses


With the rise of antisemitic incidents at universities around the country, some question whether foreign money pouring in to universities is influencing what students are being taught on campus. 

Members of Congress would like to know, at the very least, where the money is coming from. To learn more about the effort, CBN News sat down with the sponsor of the DETTERENT Act – a bill that would put greater scrutiny on universities to show where they’re getting their funding from.

California Republican Congresswoman Michelle Steel says universities are already required to disclose major gifts from foreign entities, but they’re not doing it.

“There’s already law that when you receive over $250,000 from foreign entities, you’re supposed to report it. But 70% of universities never complied with that,” Rep. Steel told CBN’s Matt Galka. 

A major concern of Steel’s and others is why the money is coming in, especially if it’s coming from a country at odds with the United States.

China has been known to be one of the largest sources of foreign money flooding into American universities for the past decade.

“UC Berkeley received over 240 million dollars from China. And guess what they did, they brought Chinese officials

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at CBN

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