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Published: June 5, 2023

‘It’s the Devil Masquerading’: Ex-Psychic Warns of Bizarre, Dangerous ‘Starseeds’ Phenomenon


An ex-psychic medium is addressing yet another occultic phenomenon spreading across social media: the concept of so-called “starseeds.”

Listen to the latest episode of CBN’s Quick Start podcast.

Jenn Nizza, host of “Ex-Psychic Saved Podcast,” tackled the issue on the most recent episode of her show, noting the hashtag for starseeds has more than 950 million views.

Nizza, who brought on a guest named Hannah (@mustardseedhannah on TikTok) to discuss the matter, encouraged people to “mark and avoid” anything affiliated with starseeds. Like Nizza, Hannah also has an occultic background, having been taught palm reading and divination at an early age.

Now a Christian, Hannah speaks out against these practices and warns Christians to avoid such trends.

“First of all, let’s address what a starseed is,” Nizza said. “They believe [they are] an advanced spiritual being from other planets and realms.”

Hannah said the starseed paradigm is one in which people are told they have a “spark and it’s part of the universe and you can change the universe through this spark.” She said starseed ideology is akin to Scientology, claiming they “share doctrinal similarities.”

Listen to Nizza and Hannah explain why they believe starseed ideology is so spiritually dangerous:

Even when people have good intentions, those who embrace the fringe ideology end up “doing wickedness,” she argued.

“The starseed ideology is so dangerous because it pulls in people who already feel lost and it gives them a place to think they can flourish and … walk into their identity, ascend, grow,” Hannah said. “What they’re looking for, they don’t know it, but it’s sanctification. But, instead, they found the counterfeit, which is ascension.”

This might sound strange or like it’s ripped from a sci-fi novel, but the paradigm has become big enough to catch the attention of outlets like Popular Mechanics.

A recent article — “A Growing Body of Humans Think They’re ‘Starseeds’: Aliens Living on Earth” — explores the strange elements. Journalist Tim Newcomb wrote:

Tied back to Brad Steiger and his 1976 book “Gods of Aquarius,” starseeds latched on to his concept that some people originate from other dimensions. As starseeds gain traction in popular culture, the more people want to be part of a trend. And as the fantasy element of starseeds excites some, they grow interested in being part of a culture that feeds their interests.

The truth, of course, is that none of this is rooted in any actual science, and that the ongoing search for aliens hasn’t materialized any life apart from what we already know about on Earth. But it’s still fun to believe.

Regardless, the trends have Nizza and Hannah concerned, as they explained how these beliefs manifest.

The power people believe they contain within the starseed paradigm is dependent upon “other entities and frequencies,” with Hannah noting these individuals might point to chakras and negative energies to explain what might be unfolding in a person’s life.

Hannah specifically warned kids who have been “parented poorly” and don’t have a biblical worldview might seek out counterfeit lies and the New Age to try and find power and protection, making the starseed paradigm attractive to these individuals.

“When you don’t have a foundation on Christ Jesus, you are susceptible to all of the lies of the evil one,” Nizza added. “And he loves to prey on vulnerability.”

Hannah said it’s particularly dangerous to engage in practices like starseed ideology, warning such pathways can open up a person to true evil.

“Teaching your child that they have powers, or psychic abilities, or palm reading, or anything like that, it opens them up to demonic possession,” she said.

When it comes to starseeds, Nizza said the elements of it are rooted in channeling, which she said invokes demons. And Hannah added an obsession with the occult can easily take over once a person takes on the identity of a starseed and lives it out to the fullest.

“The biggest problem of being a starseed is you lose the ability to remember what it is to be human … you stop seeing yourself as being made in the image of God,” Hannah said. “You lose the ability to actually communicate with humans and receive communication from them. So, then you don’t feel loved, and then you’re only love is your obsession with the occult.”

Nizza continued coming back to the idea that Satan masquerades as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14) to note people might fall into something like starseeds with the best of intentions.

“It comes off as something nice, even as something godly … ‘Hey, you’re just so special,’” Nizza said. “‘Starseeds came to earth to help heal human souls’ — that sounds so attractive, except it’s just a big, fat, hairy lie. It’s the devil masquerading.”

Listen to the full episode to hear the powerful conversation.

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The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at CBN

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