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Published: March 27, 2023

‘Justice for the 5’: Congresswoman Adds 5 Late-Term Aborted Babies to Congressional Record


A U.S. lawmaker and pro-life advocates are calling attention once again to the unresolved case of five fully formed babies whose bodies were discovered in Washington, D.C. last year.

Seven pro-life activists were arrested near Capitol Hill Thursday for blocking traffic while protesting the killing of those babies through late-term abortions.

In a series of tweets, the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU) announced the arrest of its members while protesting outside of the U.S. House of Representatives Rayburn office building. They were demanding justice for the five fully formed aborted babies whose bodies were discovered by PAAU members last year. 

As CBN News reported in April of 2022, the five babies at the center of headlines were among 115 remains from unborn babies the organization procured on March 25 from a medical waste transport company parked outside the Washington Surgi-Clinic in D.C.

The organization openly shared a narrative surrounding the situation and even held a press conference to dig deeper into the facts surrounding the case.

The group, which says its mission is, in part, to “mobilize grassroots anti-abortion activists for direct action, educate the public about the exploitative influence of the Abortion Industrial Complex,” has granted numerous interviews explaining its leaders’ side of the story.

Arrested for Blocking Traffic

During the protests on Thursday, while holding photos of the five victims, the PAAU members moved out into the street, singing and chanting, and called on Congress to hold hearings looking into the babies’ deaths and to pass a national abortion ban at viability.

The U.S. Capitol Police announced on Twitter the protesters were illegally blocking traffic on Independence Avenue, near New Jersey Avenue. 

“We gave the crowd multiple warnings to get out of the street.” the Capitol Police wrote. “7 people who refused to clear the street are going to be charged with D.C. Code §22-1307 -crowding, obstructing, or incommoding.”

Later in the day, the organization announced all seven had been released from custody. 

The protest was part of a week dedicated to the five late-term, aborted babies. On March 21, PAAU members protested outside the D.C. Board of Medicine, demanding regulators revoke abortionist Dr. Cesare Santangelo’s license to dispense medication, according to The Christian Post

The PAAU are also demanding an autopsy into the infants’ deaths and is asking for people to sign their petition

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FL Congresswoman Shows Aborted Babies Photos from DC Abortion Clinic at Congressional Hearing

Meanwhile, U.S. Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) brought up the aborted infants and entered photographs of them into the congressional record during a House oversight hearing on Thursday.  

“In Washington, we are allowing for late-term abortion, and these babies were born alive and my colleagues won’t acknowledge that,” Luna said as she held up several photos of the aborted babies. 

She told The Daily Signal during an interview that she believes the babies were born alive and left to die. 

“One of the babies was born completely encompassed in the amniotic sac and drowned in its own amniotic fluid,” Luna said. “Let’s say you are pro-abortion. That’s still a cruel and unusual way to die, and there’s laws and statutes that say that you cannot allow cruel and unusual punishment.”

“Even if that’s your argument, how can you still argue to allow this to happen because of the way in which it was done?” she asked. “Another baby, from what I was told and from what I saw, was born completely, no issues, no markings on the body intact, and they left the baby to die.”

The Florida Republican congresswoman told The Daily Signal “there needs to be an investigation done.” She also noted PAAU told her they are having a problem finding a pathologist to do the autopsies because it would be considered a political move and possibly career-ending for the individual. 

“That has to be done,” Luna said. “These babies have still not yet been buried. And I think what’s even more sad is that I’m sure that the women that did have those abortions, maybe they have seen the footage, but they’ll never know if that was their child or not.”

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at CBN

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