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Published: July 10, 2023

Netanyahu Allies Bristle at Biden ‘Extreme Government’ Comments


JERUSALEM, Israel – Allies in the government coalition headed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reacted with strong anger to President Joe Biden’s comments on CNN that the current Israeli government “is the most extreme Israeli government I can remember, and I’ve been here since Golda Meir (50 years ago).”

The Biden interview aired just hours before the president flew to London on the first stop before this week’s NATO summit in Lithuania.

Israel’s Channel 13 reported that associates in the Israeli government were extremely unhappy with Biden’s characterization of the coalition. Journalist Raviv Drucker noted, “As the Cabinet is convening to discuss improving conditions for the Palestinian Authority – something very difficult for Ministers Smotrich and Ben-Gvir –Netanyahu has been telling them it is all to help win favor with the U.S., which in turn will help bring Saudi Arabia to normalize relations with Israel.”

He continued, “As this is happening, President Biden states that ‘there is still a long way to go before normalization with Saudi Arabia.” This leads to significant anger against President Biden, and whether intentionally or not, harms Netanyahu’s ability to pass policy. People are saying (Biden) is ‘impudent’ and that even President Obama didn’t talk like that. They won’t let that anger show externally, of course, because, after all, President Biden represents a great deal of power.”

Reaction from members in Netanyahu’s Likud Party was more muted, but their dissatisfaction was also evident between the lines.

The Jerusalem Post quoted a “senior” Likud member who said it’s too bad Biden “didn’t mention that the extremist government in Jerusalem helped the Palestinian Authority with its decisive action against the infrastructure belonging to terrorists who had expelled (PA President Mahmoud) Abbas’s men from Jenin.”

Former Israeli Ambassador to the U.N, Danny Danon, tweeted, “I respect the US, our great friend overseas, but the policy of the State of Israel will be determined only by the government in Jerusalem that was democratically elected by the people of Israel.” He underscored a sensitive point within the coalition as the tweet continued: “The American people understand very well that in a democratic country policy is determined only by an elected government.”

Biden made his “extreme Israeli government” comment when asked by CNN’s Fareed Zakharia why he had not yet invited Netanyahu to the White House. 

Meanwhile, the newspaper Israel Hayom reported Monday that the Israeli prime minister will go to New York in September to address the United Nations General Assembly. Times and dates have not been set, but it is expected to be between the Jewish holidays of Rosh Hashanah (September 15-16) and Yom Kippur (September 24-25).

Some have speculated that the visit might present an opportunity for Netanyahu to meet with Biden, but previous reports of possible meetings earlier this year have not panned out.

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The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at CBN

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