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Published: August 7, 2023

Newly Unearthed Video Shows American Soldiers Saving Thousands of Jews From Nazi Train


Although it’s known to many as the “Miracle at Farsleben,” there hasn’t — until now — been any real documented imagery of the stunning rescue by American troops of Jews headed toward their death at a Nazi camp.

A history researcher from New York recently unearthed never-before-seen video of the heroic act:

Since the video has been posted to YouTube, several Holocaust survivors have reportedly come forward claiming to recognize themselves in the incredible footage.

“I don’t want to say I am gratified or vindicated, because, even without this footage, this is an incredible story,” said Holocaust researcher Matthew Rozell, who found the video clips in the U.S. National Archives, according to The Times of Israel.

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The powerful redemption took place April 13, 1945, as a Nazi train was carrying some 2,500 Jews away from the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp — where Jewish refugee Anne Frank had just been killed — toward Theresienstadt, where they would likely have met their death.

According to reports from the time, the train was forced to stop near Farsleben because Allied troops were bombing the area. Generally, such an occurrence would have been deadly for the prisoners aboard the train, because Nazi soldiers were instructed to kill as many Jewish people as possible in the event the locomotive didn’t reach its final destination.

But this stop was different.

At the same time the train halted, an American tank and Jeep with U.S. troops came over a nearby hill — and the Nazis ran. And as soon as American soldiers got to the train, they opened the doors, setting the Jewish captives free.

“In the clip, I saw my mother, my sister and myself,” 90-year-old Holocaust survivor Jacob Barzilai told Ynet. “I was very emotional seeing the footage. I was at a loss for words.”

Another survivor, 82-year-old Miriam Mueller, who was four years old at the time, was overwhelmed by the rare footage. Although she didn’t see herself in it, she said it brought up so many memories and reminded her of what the Lord has brought her from and led her toward.

“Today,” she said, “I have 26 grandchildren and 40 great-grandchildren, and there is another one on the way. The blessed Lord has performed a miracle with me.”

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The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at CBN

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