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Published: June 10, 2022

Pro-Life Women’s Centers in Cross-Hairs, Pro-Abortion Radicals Vandalize More Centers Amid Death Threat to Kavanaugh


The South Broward Pregnancy Help Center joined a growing list this week of pro-life pregnancy centers targeted by abortion radicals enraged over the expected overturn of the 1973 Roe v. Wade U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion nationwide. 

The center, one of three operated by the Archdiocese of Miami, was spray-painted with graffiti threatening “If abortions aren’t safe, neither are you,” and signed “Jane’s Revenge,” which is a reference to a collective of radical feminists organized in 1960s Chicago who illegally helped provide abortions before the high court’s Roe ruling. 

Dr. Grazie Christi who volunteers as a radiologist at the center reported the work of the vandals in a tweet on Wednesday. 

“The Pregnancy Care Center at which I volunteer as a radiologist was vandalized. Violent threats are terrifying and I hope they are prosecuted to the max. Also, this hurts our poor clients the most, who need help to bring their VERY wanted children into the world.”

Abortion radicals plastered a similar threat on another center in Asheville, North Carolina, on Thursday. Images of the damage were tweeted by a pastor’s wife whose church partners with this pro-life center.

Attacks against pro-life pregnancy centers by abortion extremists have accelerated around the country since the May 2 leak of a draft opinion by the high court. The draft showed a majority of justices were in agreement to overturn the nearly 50-year-old Roe ruling that unleashed some 60 million abortions in the U.S. over the last five decades, and instead return the abortion issue to the individual states.

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The Baptist Press reports at least three other attacks occurred most recently. One attack occurred over Memorial Day weekend when a pregnancy care center in Hollywood, FL, was also defaced with similar threats. In another attack on June 3, radicals splashed red paint on the front door of the Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center in Washington, D.C., and spray painted the words “Jane says revenge” on the building’s side.

On the same day as the Asheville attack, a Buffalo, New York, pro-life center known as CompassCare was firebombed and graffiti was scrawled on its exterior. 

CompassCare CEO Jim Harden vowed to restore the building and continue to protect the preborn.

“This is the pro-abortion ‘Kristallnacht.’ Because of this act of violence, the needs of women facing unplanned pregnancy will go unmet and babies will die,” Harden said. “I wonder if Gov. Hochul will veto the Pregnancy Center Investigation Bill? I wonder if Attorney General Letitia James will investigate these cowardly criminals? CompassCare will rebuild because women deserve better. CompassCare will not stop serving because pre-born boys and girls deserve protection.”

Pro-abortion vandals also targeted a pro-life group’s office in Madison, Wisconsin in early May, where a fire broke out and a Molotov cocktail was found by authorities. The Jane’s Revenge group also claimed credit for vandalizing the headquarters of the pro-life group Wisconsin Family Action (WFA). 

As CBN News reported, in a manifesto the group essentially declared war on pro-life advocates and threatened further violence if the pro-life group and others like it don’t disband and stop advocating against the abortion of unborn children.

WFA President Julaine Appling said they will not be intimidated by the vandalism.

“But this attack fails to frighten us and instead steels the resolve of law-abiding, common-sense, everyday folks to stand up and push back,” she said. “We know today it is Wisconsin Family Action getting Molotov cocktails tossed through broken windows and fires ignited, but tomorrow it could be anyone in our state or another state who is attacked because we disagree with a policy or action, give voice to the voiceless, or stand up for what’s right.” 

After the Wisconsin firebombing, the Biden White House released a statement saying the president “strongly condemns” the arson attack. But there’s not been much more from Biden or his Justice Department. At the writing of this article, pro-abortion protesters continue to march in front of the homes of conservative Supreme Court justices in an effort to influence the final decision on Roe despite a federal law forbidding the intimidation of federal judges. 

The Biden Justice Department refuses to enforce the law even after the arrest this week of a man stopped by federal marshals near the home of Justice Brett Kavanaugh. The man was armed with a pistol and a knife and other weapons. He admitted he was planning to kill Kavanaugh. 

The protection of justices has been stepped up. But even though a bipartisan bill that would provide even greater protection for judges’ immediate families passed the Senate one month ago, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has so far refused to move the bill forward in the House.

These actions or inaction have caused many people to believe whether a law is enforced, or a group’s constitutional rights and safety are protected, it depends primarily on where the people involved stand politically. 

WFA’s Julaine Appling summed it up for a lot of people. 

“Americans see through the hypocrisy of the left. The violence needs to stop and stop now,” she said. “It’s not the answer to any question or any problem. Just because the liberals don’t get their way, doesn’t give them license to threaten bodily harm or to burn and destroy.”  

Appling also voiced commitment to the unborn representatives who stand on the frontlines of the pro-life movement.

“But we are still standing. We still support freedom. We love our republic and care for our neighbors. We will repair our offices, remain on the job, and build an even stronger grassroots effort. We will not back down. We will not stop doing what we are doing. Too much is at stake,” she said. 

The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at CBN

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