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Published: April 17, 2023

REPORT: Abortions Across US Plunged After Supreme Court Overturned Roe v. Wade


A new report has revealed abortions in the United States have dropped significantly since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey last June. 

As CBN News reported in June of 2022, the high court issued an earthquake ruling on June 24, 2022, overturning its 1973 decision that had invented federal abortion rights. The ruling came in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.

The report released by The Society of Family Planning, a pro-abortion research organization, showed there were 32,260 fewer abortions on average across the nation from July 2022 through December 2022 after the Supreme Court issued its decision. 

The analysis appears to show that abortions plummeted by nearly 96 percent in the 13 states where abortion bans took effect shortly after the Supreme Court’s ruling.

Alabama, Arkansas, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, West Virginia, and Wisconsin reportedly had “a cumulative total of 43,410 fewer people who had abortions.” 

Other states that increased abortion restrictions – Arizona, Georgia, and Ohio – also saw major declines in their average monthly abortions at a rate of “755, 1822, and 820,” respectively.”

Meanwhile, other abortion numbers rose, especially telemed “abortion-by-mail,” so that may have offset some of the declines. The report noted states with laws protecting abortion experienced small increases in the procedure and increases in chemical abortions in the six-month period.  

“…even six months after the Court’s decision, the increases in numbers of abortions in states where abortion was permitted did not compensate for the reductions seen in states where abortion was banned,” researchers said. 

Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver said, “The news of fewer abortions nationwide is encouraging and it is evident that pro-life laws are saving unborn children and protecting women. We are just now beginning to see the treasurable impact of the High Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade that will only continue to bear fruit. It is time for courts around the nation to follow suit and affirm everyone’s right to life whether born or unborn.” 

According to the report, the state with the most notable increase of abortion was Florida. Despite a 15-week abortion ban enacted in July 2022, the state’s monthly abortion average increased from 6,150 to 7,348, potentially due to the state’s proximity to other states with bans or tighter restrictions, according to Liberty Counsel

Abortion providers filed suit against the 15-week ban, currently before the Florida Supreme Court.  However, Gov. Ron DeSantis then signed a 6-week abortion ban into law last week, known as the “Heartbeat Protection Act,” which was passed overwhelmingly by the Florida legislature. 

Liberty Counsel has filed an amicus brief to Florida’s High Court in defense of Florida’s 15-week abortion ban.

Liberty Counsel’s brief states, “Abortion is the modern-day offspring of eugenics. The procedure is in direct conflict with Florida’s constitutional guarantees to life and liberty. House Bill 5 furthers Florida’s compelling interest in ensuring that the rights guaranteed in the Florida Constitution extend to all its citizens, not just the born. By upholding the law, this Court should properly interpret FLA. CONST. ART. 1, SEC. 2 to guarantee the equal right to life of all Floridians and reject modern-day eugenics in this State.”

The brief explains that abortion is rooted in racism and eugenics to eliminate certain races and people. Starting with Charles Darwin and his book titled The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life (emphasis added), the full title clearly sets forth his racist ideology to eliminate certain races and people.

As CBN News has reported for the years, Planned Parenthood hails its founder, Margaret Sanger, as a champion of civil rights, but one thing they don’t talk about is the racism behind her fight to legalize abortion.

Sanger wanted a society that limited births to those she deemed fit to have children.

Many pro-choice advocates see her as a heroine, but critics call her a racist eugenics promoter who targeted black communities with her Planned Parenthood clinics.

Planned Parenthood has now intentionally located 86 percent of its abortion facilities in or near minority neighborhoods in the 25 U.S. counties with the most abortions, according to Life News

“Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, once said colored (sic) people are like weeds; they need to be exterminated,” Dr. Alveda King, director of Civil Rights for the Unborn, told CBN News in 2016. King is the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

As former Connecticut Republican congressman Gary Franks noted in an op-ed published by the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review in January 2020, “Nearly 40% of all abortions in America since Roe v. Wade have been from black Americans. This equates to more than 20 million Black pregnancies aborted. That would be the equivalent to either the populations of New York or Florida. Yet Black people make up just 14% of the U.S.”

Former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson told CBN News in 2020 those inside the abortion industry are trained to overlook Sanger’s racist views.

“They gave you an answer like, ‘Well, I mean yes Margaret Sanger was a racist but everybody was a racist back then.’ You accept it because she is your hero and she has to be your hero and you cannot question Planned Parenthood,” said Johnson.



The remainder of this article is available in its entirety at CBN

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