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Published: September 22, 2017

Shock: White House Chief of Staff “Voted For Hillary”, Still Blocking Trump From Alternative Media


A top Republican adviser has revealed the shocking fact that Trump White House Chief of Staff John Kelly was a liberal who voted for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election.

Speaking to Fox Business Host Lou Dobbs, Republican campaign consultant Ed Rollins shockingly claimed that, according to his sources, Kelly supported the failed Clinton campaign and may actually be a sort of deep state operative in the White House to specifically take out the Trump agenda.

“What I’ve heard from sources inside who know Kelly, who is an honorable man and was a good general, he didn’t vote for Trump, he voted for Hillary.” Rollins said. “So I don’t think he is basically is a Trump supporter or ideologically a Trump supporter.”

The revelation by Rollins came amid a discussion about the now infamous photo showing Kelly “face palming” during Trump’s speech at the United States, a sign that many Trump supporters believed once again showed that Kelly is not a person that is in favor of Trump’s America First, anti-globalist world view.

Rollins then stated his belief that the president needs to call a major meeting with his cabinet and straight up ask them whether or not they actually support his agenda.

“The President needs to ask, in a private meeting some day with his top advisers, how many of you are really for me? How many of you voted for me,” Rollins declared.

“How many of you believe in what I believe in? When I make a speech like this, how many of you are 100% behind me? And if you’re not, just leave.”

For his part, Kelly has long been the subject of reports detailing his personal efforts to specifically block the flow of alternative media information from ever reaching Trump’s desk.

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