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Published: March 28, 2018

Professor of ‘New Testament’ Undergraduate studies at Holy Cross Teaches that Jesus was a ‘Transgender’ ‘Drag King’


Professor Tat siong Benny Liew teaches the “New Testament” to undergraduate students at Holy Cross, but in the interpretation that he teaches he claims that Jesus was a “transgender” and a “drag king.”

Holy Cross is a private, undergraduate, Roman Catholic, Jesuit liberal arts college located in Worcester, Massachusetts, United States. Founded in 1843, Holy Cross is the oldest Catholic college in New England and one of the oldest in the United States. The university is also the only Catholic college among the top 50 liberal arts schools on the U.S. News list.

In an all-out blasphemous book, Tat siong Benny Liew, the colleges Chair of New Testament Studies, “a distinguished professorship associated with the Religious Studies department,” teaches his students his sexually immoral and perverted interpretation of the Gospel.

Professor Liew is often responsible for teaching “New Testament,” the College’s primary New Testament class for undergraduate students. It’s telling that he also teaches, “Sex, Money, Power, and Sacred Texts.”

Please prepare yourself as you read on, the quotes taken from the original article are graphic and disturbing. I will leave them without comment because the blatant deception speaks for itself. The Following is from an article entitled, “New Ways in Theology at Holy Cross” from the Fenwick Review, the College of the Holy Cross’ newspaper.

“John is clear that Jesus is an Ioudaios (4:9, 22; 18:33– 35; 19:40); what John is less clear about is whether Jesus is a biological male. Like a literary striptease, this episode is suggestive, even seductive; it shows and withholds at the same time.

Professor Liew asserts that Jesus’s “excessive” and “deceptive” speech would be considered “feminine” in the culture of the time.

I am suggesting that John’s constant references to Jesus wanting water (4:7; 19:28), giving water (6:35), and leaking water (19:34) speak to Jesus’ gender indeterminacy and hence his cross-dressing and other queer desires…

He clarifies that he is not suggesting that Christ is actually a woman, but that he is neither male nor female.

Professor Liew’s contribution to this volume, a chapter entitled  “Queering Closets and Perverting Desires: Cross-Examining John’s Engendering and Transgendering Word across Different Worlds,” demonstrates the centrality of sex and gender to his way of thinking about the New Testament.  In the chapter, Professor Liew explains that he believes Christ could be considered a “drag king” or cross-dresser. “If one follows the trajectory of the Wisdom/Word or Sophia/Jesus (con)figuration, what we have in John’s Jesus is not only a “king of Israel” (1:49; 12:13– 15) or “king of the Ioudaioi” (18:33, 39; 19:3, 14– 15, 19– 22), but also a drag king (6:15; 18:37; 19:12),” he claims. He later argues that “[Christ] ends up appearing as a drag-kingly bride in his passion.”

Oddly, John defines Jesus’ masculinity with a body that is being opened to penetration. 24 Even more oddly, Jesus’ ability to face his “hour” is repeatedly associated with his acknowledging of and communing with his Father (12:27– 28; 14:12, 28; 16:10, 17, 28; 17:1– 25; 18:11), who is, as Jesus explicitly states, “with me” (16:32) throughout this process, which Jesus also describes as one of giving birth (16:21– 22). What I am suggesting is that, when Jesus’ body is being penetrated, his thoughts are on his Father. He is, in other words, imagining his passion experience as a (masochistic?) sexual relation with his own Father.”

This is the type of blasphemy filling Bible colleges around the nation. This is a demented and twisted version of the Gospel that perverts our savior Jesus Christ. The attack on Christianity seems to be on the uptick lately as this isn’t the only professor teaching that Jesus was “stripped.” Katie Edwards of the University of Sheffield wrote an article titled “#HimToo – why Jesus should be recognized as a victim of sexual violence” in which she asks the readers to focus on the “stripping of Jesus,” but Liew sexualizes the Gospel way further than that.

Students from the Catholic and Jesuit College of the Holy Cross are being taught Liews perversion that endorses homosexuality, eroticism, sado-masochism, incest, androgyny, and sexualizing the Word of God. Could this be why so many Catholic priests are sexually immoral? How many Catholic colleges have a curriculum like that of Professor Liew?

The Fenwick Review says, “He (Liew) continues to be held up as an example and a bold successor to the learned and discerning tradition of our Catholic and Jesuit College of the Holy Cross. Professor Tat-siong Benny Liew received bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Olivet Nazarene University and completed his doctorate at Vanderbilt University. One of his recent publications is “Queering Closets and Perverting Desires: Cross-Examining John’s Engendering and Transgendering Word across Different Worlds.”

Revelation 22:19 says, “And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.” Please pray for Liews students.

Works Cited

Elinor Reilly. “New Ways in Theology at Holy Cross - March 2018.” The Fenwick Review. . (2018): . .

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