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Published: October 3, 2016

Propaganda Machine: The Pentagon Paid $500 Million Dollars To Create False Flags and Fake News


The United States has engaged in an information war against its people and the people of the world. The Pentagon paid $500 million dollars to a controversial UK PR firm, which in turn was in charge of a top secret propaganda program in Iraq.

The United States has long been engaged in propaganda, but just “recently” turned the CIA loose on its citizenry according to Naomi Wolf.

According to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, and a former employee; Bell Pottinger’s output included short television segments made in Arabic style news networks and fake insurgent videos which could be used to track the people who watched them.

The agencies staff worked alongside high-ranking US military officials in the Baghdad Camp Victory headquarters as the insurgency waged on directly outside.

Bell Pottinger’s former chairman Lord Tim Bell confirmed to the Sunday Times, which worked with the Bureau on this story, that his firm had worked on a “covert” military operation “covered by various secrecy agreements.”

Bell Pottinger reported to the Pentagon, the CIA and the National Security Council on its work in Iraq, he said.

Bell, one of Britain’s most successful public relations executives, is credited with honing Margaret Thatcher’s steely image and helping the Conservative party win three elections. The agency he co-founded has had a roster of clients including repressive regimes and Asma al-Assad, the wife of the Syrian president.

In the first media interview any Bell Pottinger employee has given about the work for the US military in Iraq, video editor Martin Wells – who no longer works for the company – told the Bureau his time in Camp Victory was “shocking, eye-opening, life-changing.”

The firm’s output was signed off by former General David Petraeus – then commander of the coalition forces in Iraq – and on occasion by the White House, Wells said.

Read More – The Bureau of Investigative Journalism

Bell Pottinger produced millions of dollars worth of propaganda. The Bureau traced the firm’s Iraq work through US Army contracting censuses, Federal procurement transaction records, and reports by the Department of Defense Inspector General, as well as Bell Pottinger’s corporate filings and specialist publications on military propaganda.

There were three types of media operations commonly used in Iraq at the time, said a military contractor familiar with Bell Pottinger’s work there. “White is attributed, it says who produced it on the label,” the contractor said. “Grey is unattributed and black is falsely attributed. These types of black ops, used for tracking who is watching a certain thing, were a pretty standard part of the industry toolkit.”

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The United States has long involved itself propaganda. However, the citizens of America fail to realize the information war that is ongoing against them. It’s called a subversive ideological takeover, according to Soviet KGB defector & Communist propaganda expert Yuri Bezmenov. Yuri explained the takeover agenda, which is being played out today, almost 30 years ago.

The Iraq war was a part of their agenda, and according to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, massive amounts of propaganda fueled the “war on terror.” So what’s to say that today’s fight against “ISIS” is not just an extension of the same?

To continue reading the full report regarding Fake News and False Flags, click here.

Works Cited

Crofton Black and Abigail Fielding-Smith. “Fake News and False Flags.” The Bureau of Investigative Journalism. . (2016): . .

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