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Published: May 3, 2016

Biotech Company to Reanimate the Dead Next Year, Meanwhile Cornell Develops a Zombie Apocalypse Simulator?!


Cornell University created a Zombie Apocalypse simulator, all while Bioquark, will be reanimating the dead! These two go hand in hand. The elite are planning to reanimate themselves so they can “live forever,” and there will be an epidemic; which is why Cornell created the simulator based on epidemiology.

It’s all been talked of before, but now it is going to be done, reanimating the “dead”, that is. A Biotech company just received ethical permission by an Institutional Review Board in the U.S. and India to use 20 brain-dead patients for what is sure to be a highly controversial study.

The Biotech company, Bioquark, will begin “testing” officially next year.

“A biotech company in the U.S. has been granted ethical permission by an Institutional Review Board in the U.S. and India to use 20 brain-dead patients for what is sure to be a highly controversial study: From next year, they plan to stimulate their nervous systems in order to restart the brains. Bioquark is hoping that its part in the groundbreaking ReAnima project will reveal if people can at least partly be brought back from the dead.

It is important to note that at this point, there isn’t much evidence to suggest how genuinely realistic or even serious this endeavor is; however, the panel of experts working on the initiative does include Dr. Calixto Machado, a well-known neurological researcher and a member of the American Academy of Neurology who has written extensively on brain death.

The team will test a combination of therapies on the participants, who have been medically certified as being brain dead and are only kept from decomposing by life support machines. Injecting the brain with stem cells, giving the spinal cord infusions of beneficial chemicals, and nerve stimulation techniques – which have been shown to bring people out of comas – will all be tried out.”

The blasphemous Biotech company plans to monitor the patients for several months after testing.

The central nervous system is bioelectrochemical, in that it uses biologically manufactured chemicals called neurotransmitters to transmit electrical signals through the body. Stimulating neurons with electrical currents is one thing – even in a coma, the neurons will be able to respond to electrical stimulation – but after brain death, neurons begin to wither away and degenerate, so for any “resurrection” to occur, the team will need to stimulate the regeneration of neurons in these brain-dead folk.

Bioquark is planning on creating zombies, literal zombies, by use of witchcraft; now this is where it gets very interesting. The DailyMail also just released an article regarding zombies.

How to survive a zombie apocalypse: Find a mountain range, keep quiet, mimic the way the undead walk and NEVER fight

  • Researchers from Cornell have developed an apocalyptic simulator showing how zombies would spread in the US
  • Tool utilises techniques used in in epidemiology – the study of how disease spreads and can be controlled
  • Suggests sparely-populated parts, including mountains, are the best places to wait out the apocalypse
  • Neuroscientists have previously advised humans to keep quiet, hide and even mimic zombies – but not fight them

What in the world is going on? Tell us what you think below!

Works Cited

Robin Andrews. “Biotech Company Granted Ethical Permission To Attempt To Use Stem Cells To Reactivate The Brains Of The Dead.” IFLScience. . (2016): . .

Sarah Griffiths . “How to survive a zombie apocalypse: Find a mountain range, keep quiet, mimic the way the undead walk and NEVER fight.” DailyMail. . (2016): . .

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