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Published: October 3, 2016

World War 3: Russia Announces 40+ Million Person Military Drill, Hours Later US and Russia Suspend Talks Over Syria


The USA and Russia have officially suspended all forms of communication over the Syrian Crisis. However, just hours before the dismissal of communications Russia announced they were conducting a military drill involving more than 40 million people, more than 200 thousand professionals rescue units, and 50 thousand pieces of equipment.

According to Oleg Manuilov, the Director of the Civil Defence Department Ministry; “Training will be held from October 4 to 7 will be attended by more than 40 million people, more than 200 thousand professionals rescue units, 50 thousand pieces of equipment…”

“In practice, the notification will be worked out and collect the governing federal departments and agencies, executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation and local self-government”, – said Manuilov. There will be worked out action by the evacuation issue of personal protective equipment, sanitary, deployment obmyvochnyh points.

“In addition, the alert will be given civil defense structures In coordination with the regional and municipal authorities will be checked by the system of emergency population warning of disaster occurrence, or the threat thereof.” – Said Manuilov.

Fast forward a few hours, and the US announced Monday it is “suspending its participation in bilateral channels with Russia” that had come about as part of the brief cessation of hostilities in Syria.

“This is not a decision that was taken lightly,” State Department spokesman John Kirby said in a statement announcing the suspension. “Everybody’s patience with Russia has run out,” White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters Monday while addressing the decision.

Earnest said Russia had lost credibility by “making a series of commitments without any indication they were committed to following them,” accusing Russia and its Syrian regime allies of trying “to bomb civilian populations into submission.”

However, as video evidence shows, and Assad claims it was the US and ISIS who were responsible for the most recent attacks in Aleppo.

Interestingly enough, this was not the first suspension of deals and talks throughout the day. Earlier on, Putin suspended a post-Cold War deal with the US on disposal of plutonium from decommissioned nuclear warheads. The decision was explained by “the hostile actions of the US” against Russia and may be reversed if such actions are stopped.

A decree signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin cites “the radical change in the environment, a threat to strategic stability posed by the hostile actions of the US against Russia, and the inability of the US to deliver on the obligation to dispose of excessive weapons plutonium under international treaties, as well as the need to take swift action to defend Russian security” as justification for suspending the deal.

“It’s a very important issue. It’s about taking swift action to protect Russian national security. We will deal with it as soon as the bill is submitted,” he told TASS.

The events that have transpired are signs of a rapid destabilization of relations between the two countries. Yet again – it would appear as though that the occurrences that are unfolding between Russia and the USA are evidence that an “October Surprise” may take place between the two, just before the US elections.

Works Cited

RT. “Putin signs decree suspending Russia-US deal on plutonium disposal over hostile US actions.” RT. . (2016): . .

Ryan Browne. “US suspends talks with Russia over Syria.” CNN. . (2016): . .

В России. “Всероссийская тренировка по гражданской обороне пройдет с 4 по 7 октября.” Interfax. . (2016): . .

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