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Published: July 6, 2017

Salt Lake City Utah Considering Deploying National Guard to Deal with Homeless


Over the Fourth of July weekend, the nation’s most volatile, homeless individuals, attacked a baseball player in Utah. Salt Lake City officials are now pondering the idea of deploying National Guard troops to deal with the growing crisis.

On another occasion in the same location, a car plowed into a group of homeless people striking six people, killing one and sending five to the hospital.

Utah House Speaker Greg Hughes, in response to the events, stated the following;

“The violence and what is going on there is escalating,” Hughes said Wednesday. “When it gets that out of hand, you can have a discussion about the National Guard with a straight face.”

When the National Guard is deployed to deal with riots and protests, typically the scenario is only for a short time, but exactly what is the city official referring to here? A prolonged deployment of the national guard onto city streets, to clean them up?

Hughes said he isn’t willing to wait two years for things to change in the area. He doesn’t fault the Salt Lake City Police Department, which he said is making every effort to keep the area from sliding into total chaos.

Nonetheless, he said, conditions must change.

“We can’t afford to hide from it,” Hughes said. “If we don’t do something, it’s going to spread to our parks and libraries.” — Read More

While the homeless crisis across America is horrific, “cleaning” up the streets with troop deployments is a horrific idea, exactly where are the city officials going to place the homeless? In camps?

Several other states across America have pondered similar solutions to the ever increasing crisis of homelessness in America. In 2013, Colombia South Carolina sought to criminalize homelessness but rescinded. Now, in Salt Lake City, Utah Hughes wants to deploy the National Guard to accomplish the same goal.

Once troops are deployed on city streets to round up the homeless, what ’types’ of individuals could be rounded up next? What say you reader?

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