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Published: August 12, 2016

Planet X: Scientists Discovered Planet Niku, in Cluster of ‘Trans-Neptunian Planets’ Shaped Like an “X”


The planet Nibiru, Planet X, is now potentially gaining official recognition by astronomers and scientists alike. However, yet another mysterious object is lurking in our solar system just beyond Neptune which scientists have nicknamed “Niku.” The Trans-Neptunian Planet is a part of a cluster of Trans-Neptunian planets shaped like an “X.”

There is a mysterious object lurking beyond the planet Neptune, and it is apparently breaking all the “rules.” So astronomers have named it “Niku” which means rebellious in Chinese. Beyond the name, the planet exhibits similar attributes as the mysterious Nibiru or Planet X. Also, the newly discovered minor planet seems to be part of a cluster of other similar objects and icy planetoids with similar orbits.

The object was discovered by a team of scientists at Pan-STARRS, Panoramic Survey Telescope & Rapid Response System, Maui, Hawaii. The RETROGRADE TRANS-NEPTUNIAN OBJECT, nicknamed Niku, is supposedly about 160,000 times fainter than Neptune, suggesting that it could be less than 120 miles in diameter.

Planet X: “In 2014, based on similarities of the orbits of a group of recently discovered extreme trans-Neptunian objects, astronomers hypothesized the existence of a super-Earth planet, 2 to 15 times the mass of the Earth and beyond 200 AU with possibly a high inclined orbit at some 1500 AU.[7] In 2016 further work showed this unknown distant planet is likely on an inclined, eccentric orbit that goes no closer than about 200 AU and no further than about 1600 AU from the Sun. The orbit is predicted to be anti-aligned to the clustered extreme trans-Neptunian objects.[8] Because Pluto is no longer considered a planet by the International Astronomical Union, this new hypothetical object has become known as Planet Nine.[9]” –WIKI

Niku orbits the solar system at a bizarre angle: a plane tilted 110 degrees to the flat plane of the solar system. This flat plane — a disk in which planets move around the sun — is a defining quality of a planetary system. But Niku, already moving above the plane, travels a little further upward every day.

According to their research and simulations, the clustered TNO’s (trans-Neptunian objects) seem to form a mysterious X-shape. “We note that the simulations in Batygin & Brown(2016), provide a source of high-i and large-a TNOs with a clustered distribution of Ω. Their cluster has an “X” shape composed of two standard planes, and we stress that neither of which are coincident with the plane in Figure 3. Moreover, even if the objects which occupy our common place did somehow originate from this “X” shape, the Ω clustering would still be expected to vanish due to precession, and hence some mechanism to confine the orbits would be required.”

Figure 3 – Niku

Batygin & Brown’s Abstract

Recent analyses have shown that distant orbits within the scattered disk population of the Kuiper Belt exhibit an unexpected clustering in their respective arguments of perihelion. While several hypotheses have been put forward to explain this alignment, to date, a theoretical model that can successfully account for the observations remains elusive. In this work we show that the orbits of distant Kuiper Belt objects (KBOs) cluster not only in argument of perihelion, but also in physical space. We demonstrate that the perihelion positions and orbital planes of the objects are tightly confined and that such a clustering has only a probability of 0.007% to be due to chance, thus requiring a dynamical origin. We find that the observed orbital alignment can be maintained by a distant eccentric planet with mass 10 m⊕ whose orbit lies in approximately the same plane as those of the distant KBOs, but whose perihelion is 180° away from the perihelia of the minor bodies. In addition to accounting for the observed orbital alignment, the existence of such a planet naturally explains the presence of high-perihelion Sedna-like objects, as well as the known collection of high semimajor axis objects with inclinations between 60° and 150° whose origin was previously unclear. Continued analysis of both distant and highly inclined outer solar system objects provides the opportunity for testing our hypothesis as well as further constraining the orbital elements and mass of the distant planet.

The full report for Niku is posted below.

The real question emerges. When Planet X was first theorized, it was thought of by Lowell that the planets Uranus and Neptune were displaced from their predicted positions by the gravity of the unseen Planet X. However, given the discovery of the X-shaped Cluster, what if it wasn’t one planet but several?

Interestingly enough, in the End Times and according to Revelation 6:13; the Bible states that “the stars” shall fall.

Revelation 6:13 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)
13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, as a fig-tree casteth her green figs, when it is shaken of a mighty wind.

According to this verse, and the theory of Planet X, it could make more sense that Planet X was not just one planet but several. In conclusion, the compiled research and documents should have us all wondering; Is Niku yet another “new” planet? Or is this the evasive Planet X?

Tell us what you think below!

Works Cited

Ying-Tung Chen . “Discovery of A New Retrograde Trans-Neptunian Object: Hint of A Common Orbital Plane for Low Semi-Major Axis, High Inclination TNOs and Centaurs.” Cornell Unitversity. . (2016): . .

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