Series The Enlightened Ones


Whispers of The Fallen: Socialist and Communist Ideals Set To Overtake the Democratic Party

Remember, remember the fifth of November, or in this case, in the United States, it's the sixth. The Media is building up this year's...

Next-Gen Socialists – The Persecution of Christianity; What the Left and Communist China Have...

The next wave of socialists are revolutionaries much like the ones of the distant past, they will use any means necessary to accomplish their goals, which unfortunately is wrapped under the guise of equality and love.

The Socialists Are Coming: Democrats Gear Up For Mid-Terms and The Next Presidential Election

Throughout the twentieth century, America physically fought socialism and communism to prevent the infectiously dangerous virus that is behind the economic and political ideology. However, in the twenty-first century, America is electing those same ideologies to its own Government.

Google the “Gatekeeper” Leaks Creepy “thought experiment” on their Social Engineering Power

Google squashes competition, dominates multiple markets, and controls what people have access to on the internet. It's been increasingly clear that more than any...

The Destruction of China- Xi’s Communism leading to Technocratic Takeover and New World Order

The Chinese communist regime has long been a destructive force in the East. They organize and command the citizens leaving no room for error....

The ‘Enlightened Ones’ Part One: Abolition of Freedom, how Communism has secretly invaded and...

The communist movement and its diabolical creator, Karl Marx, have mapped out the modern plan of communism to cause the abolition of freedom. Subversive...