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Published: February 24, 2015

Brazil’s Taps Just Ran Dry, Don’t Forget These Simple Water Purification Methods for Survival!


There are many different methods to purify water, both of these methods I mentioned in the Latest Radio Broadcast. The first method is very cheap and easy to accomplish, the other is even cheaper and easier. Both have proven to work in a survival situation, and both have been proven to clean water.

Brazil, home to over 20 million people in their largest city. This largest city just ran out of water. According to the Telegraph. Brazil has just run out of tap water as this drought season is the worst since 1930

Ediane Marquis is in a rush to leave work at an infant school in the east of São Paulo. It is the afternoon in Brazil’s commercial capital, and she knows her mother-in-law will be without water as the city struggles with its worst drought on record. “The water goes off at 1pm and comes back on the next day,” said Mrs Marquis, 51. “Her bathroom and utility area are connected to the mains supply so she has to come to my house. It’s changed her life, it’s changed everything.” So far, she said, the nursery where she works has managed to stay open but schools, universities and hospitals are having to adapt to cope with reduced water supplies. With the lowest rainfall since 1930, reservoirs that supply almost half of the 20 million people in the metropolitan area – including the financial district – are close to running dry. Doctors have reportedly had to cut short dialysis for patients with kidney failure because of the shortage while schools have introduced water-saving measures to avoid suspending lessons. Staff denied reports that the Cândido Fontoura children’s hospital went without water earlier this month but Analice Dora, biologist at the hospital, said: “Everyone is worried. Hospitals are the one place that can’t lack water. It’s a question of hygiene.” Families and businesses began reporting reduced pressure and empty taps last year but water restrictions have tightened since the turn of the year failed to bring rain. “It’s affecting my business a lot,” said Ana Paula Rodrigues de Lima, 34, a hairdresser in the east of São Paulo. “I can’t wash clients’ hair. I had to use a bucket and a cup the other day. “There are places in São Paulo that have been lacking water since last year.”

Water is the essence of life, without water people will die within 2-3 days. Below are two very easy and Simple Water Purification Methods for Survival! There are hundreds of methods for the same end goal of clean water. Here are just a couple to get your research started! Don’t forget to practice.


To turn dirty lakewater into drinkable H2O, peel away the bark from a nearby tree branch and slowly pour water through the wood. According to new research, this neat, low-tech trick ought to trap any bacteria, leaving you with uncontaminated water. 
Okay, time for a little tree physiology. To get water and minerals up a tree, wood is comprised of xylem, porous tissue arranged in tubes for conducing sap from the roots upwards through a system of vessels and pores. Xylem tissue is found in sapwood, the younger wood that lies in concentric circles between the central heartwood and the bark. Tiny pores called pit membranes are scattered throughout the walls of the vessels, allowing sap to flow from one vessel to another, feeding various structures along a tree’s length. 
Turns out, the same tissue that evolved to transport sap up the length of a tree also has exactly the right-sized pores to allow water through while blocking bacteria. Additionally, the pores also trap air bubbles, which could kill a tree if spread in the xylem. “Plants have had to figure out how to filter out bubbles but allow easy flow of sap,” study author Rohit Karnik from MIT says in a news release. “It’s the same problem with water filtration where we want to filter out microbes but maintain a high flow rate. So it’s a nice coincidence that the problems are similar.” 
As Karnik’s team finds, a small piece of sapwood can filter out more than 99 percent of theE. coli from water, at the rate of several liters per day.
To study sapwood’s water-filtering potential, the team collected white pine branches and stripped off their outer bark. They attached inch-long sections of sapwood to plastic tubing, then sealed it with epoxy and secured it with clamps.
They tested their improvised filter using water mixed with particles ranging in size. They found that while sapwood naturally filters out particles bigger than 70 nanometers, it wasn’t able to separate out 20-nanometer particles. 
When they poured water contaminated with inactivated E. coli through the sapwood filter, they saw how bacteria had accumulated around the pores in the first few millimeters of the wood. In the false-color electron microscope image above, (green) bacteria are trapped over pit membranes (red and blue). 
Existing water-purification technologies that use chlorine treatments and membranes with nano-scale pores are expensive. Even boiling water requires fuel for heat. Here, just take some wood and make a filter of it — it’s low-cost, efficient, and readily accessible for rural communities as well as dehydrated campers in the Northeast. “Ideally, a filter would be a thin slice of wood you could use for a few days, then throw it away and replace at almost no cost,” Karnik explains
The group is looking into the filtering potential of other types of sapwood. Flowering trees, for example, tend to have smaller pores than coniferous trees and may be able to filter out even smaller particles, like viruses. 
The work was published in PLOS ONE last week. 
Images: Boutilier et al. 

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