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Published: October 20, 2017

The End Of US Dominance? China Outlines Plan To ‘Rule The World’ in 30 Years


China has outlined their plan to overtake the United States on the world stage over the course of the next 30 years.

No longer is the communist country seeking mere regional domination and superiority; instead the economic powerhouse is looking to be The Superpower. According to Senior analyst in defense strategy and capability at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, Dr. Malcolm Davis; “China just doesn’t want to be a just regional superpower, it wants to be the superpower.”

American political scientist Graham T. Allison recently stated the question is not when China will rise but rather how the US will respond to such. Mr. Allison is the mind behind the Thucydides Trap determination which reads that a rising superpower attempting to usurp a ruling superpower are destined for war.

While so many over the past few years have disillusioned themselves with rationale that undermines the ability of China, several political analysts have taken note of the rise of China. However, the communist nation didn’t rise without aid, in fact, former president of the United States Bill Clinton in 1996 aided China by granting them permanent normal trade relations, directly after receiving two million dollars in campaign donations from the foreign government. In large part, China’s rise economically could be attributed to the actions of that former president.

Now, China is close to surpassing the United States economically. In fact, China’s economy is so large in comparison to the United States’ that according to Christine Lagarde, IMF Director, in as little as ten years the International Monetary Fund’s headquarters could be relocated to China.

China recently escalated its campaign of national socialism and is further censoring, monitoring travelers and ideology to make sure they too toe the Communist Party line.

Xi Jinping, arguably China’s new emperor, in his three and a half hour speech laid out his agenda and vision to make the Communist party, the moral authority of China. To the roar of applause, Mr. Jinping also mapped out the communist party’s long-term future for China’s rise on the global stage; predicting that by 2050, China will “stand proudly among the nations of the world” and “become a leading global power.”

China in 2016 engaged in a Religious Winter to demolish house churches and imprison Bible believing Chinese citizens so that now, Xi Jinping and the communist party of China can claim such moral authority.

One of the new rules, laid out in 2016, reads that it will be an ‘offense’ to “organize citizens to attend religious training, conferences and activities abroad,” “preaching, organizing religious activities, and establishing religious institutions or religious sites at schools,” and “providing religious services through the internet.” All of which, forces Christian churches in the region to disband or face harsher imprisonment.

What China is doing, is nothing new, what Xi Jinping is doing, is comparable to Mao. In fact, according to Joshua Eisenman, the assistant professor at the University of Texas at Austin’s Lyndon Baines Johnson School of Public Affairs and senior fellow for China studies at the American Foreign Policy Council in Washington, DC., China is alarmingly emboldening their national socialist government.

Joshua Eisenman also stated that China is gearing up for a cultural revolution of sorts, one in which the elites of New York and Washington are involved, and one in which a marriage of sorts is taking place between Wall Street and Beijing.

So most people describe the U.S.-China relationship, in China especially, and in the United States as well, in terms of nation-states, the United States versus China, and then they talk about things like the Thucydides’s Trap and international relations theory. [Editor’s note: For more on this, check out Stewart’s recent interview with Graham Allison, who wrote a book on this theory in regard to the U.S. and China.] But I think that actually miscategorizes the nature of the relationship. What we have—and what we’ve had for years—has been a marriage of elites in Beijing and to some degree Shanghai, I suppose, with elites in New York and in Washington. One professor, when I was there at a top university, told me that this is a marriage, particularly with Wall Street.

So the idea is that the elites come together and essentially exploit the working people of China and steal the jobs of the working people of the United States. And then it is basically balled up and wrapped up as a nationalist conflict. So what is essentially a classist issue, a Marxist issue, a struggle between the different strata of society—the elites versus the rest of society—is actually intentionally disguised as a national struggle between two nation-states.— Carnegie Council

A new cultural revolution is set to take shape in China with Xi Jinping leading the charge and over 89 million party members following suite. But just how powerful is Mr Xi? China’s leader is not only reinvigorating national socialism, but he is also enshrining his eponymous ideological slogans into the party’s constitution alongside only two others Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping.

In addition, China has no interest in systems of Western Democracy, which could lead to a clash politically between the West and East. In 2013, a document, Communiqué on the Current State of the Ideological Sphere, leaked to the West signaled exactly how China viewed the West, as rivals. However, as the institutions of the West continually assault the Judeo-Christian values for which the US was founded and the patriotism that followed suit, China is emboldening their roots.

Finally, it is strongly apparent that the marriage, between Wall Street elites and Beijing, is leading the world in one direction, towards Communistic rule. What signals the conclusion, is that China is not alone in its endeavor, in fact, other nations such as those in the European Union, namely Germany, are following in China’s footsteps.

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