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Published: October 4, 2019

[VIDEOS] Bristol TN Pro-Choice Clinic Escort Leaves Infant Daughter In Car While She Harasses Sidewalk Advocates Across The Street


A Tennessee abortion “clinic escort’ is drawing the attention of local residents and not just because of the circus the Deathscort’s create on the sidewalk, but for a far more concerning reason.

 On many different occasions Krystal Renee McCracken can be seen in video footage from several different sources bringing her infant daughter to the abortion clinic in Bristol Tennessee. Presumably, the last thing a woman who is there for an abortion would want to see is a baby. However, that is the least immoral thing about bringing a baby to an abortion clinic. 

McCracken and her infant daughter photographed with the rest of the Deathscorts. The infant girl is being held by Denise Skeen.

While McCracken is out on the curb “defending the sidewalk”, screaming at pro-life advocates, and using her body to physically block pro-life advocates, her roughly 6 month old daughter is left inside of her silver SUV. It has been recorded by more than 2 sources on multiple occasions. Videos show that McCracken’s vehicle is not running, however the trunk door is open. On September 4th, 2019 the temperature in Bristol Tennessee reached a high of 88 degrees

Krystal McCracken’s SUV parked in the parking lot of the abortion clinic next to a pile of pink junk, unattended, with her infant child inside.

Professor Jan Null at San Francisco State University was quoted by saying:

Children have died in cars with the temperature as low as 63 degrees. Basically the car becomes a greenhouse. At 70 degrees on a sunny day, after a half hour, the temperature inside a car is 104 degrees. After an hour, it can reach 113 degrees.”

The CDC recently released a list of tips for parents regarding “Heat and infants and Children“. Their tips are compiled of pretty basic practices of safety that every parent with commons sense already adheres to. However their very first tip in this section is

Never leave infants or children in a parked car, even if the windows are open.”

That of course is a pretty much common knowledge, unless you are putting your desires to escort babies to their death over the safety of your own child. 

When McCracken was confronted by two separate people about being away from her daughter for so long she replied “I check on her, you idiot”. When a concerned pro-lifer pointed out that it had been more then 5 minutes since she had checked on the baby, McCracken made the claim that others were checking on her daughter.

Contrary to that statement there were other witnesses who confirmed that no one was within 20 feet of the car that McCracken’s daughter was inside of, with the exception of the office manager who walked past the car twice. In fact, video footage that was exclusively provided to ChristianJournal accounts for a solid 15 minutes that went by, where the infant was left unattended before the video stopped being recorded. At around 3:30 mark you can see every Deathscort is actually not even on the same side of street as the infant in the car, including her mother who is carrying a rainbow umbrella.

Note that in the video below, a minimum of 5 pink megaphone sirens were being used for most of the day. The PYLE megaphones that were being used were a minimum of 20/30 watts each. The open air preachers were each using a ThunderPower 1200 that are 45 watts each. In total there were 210 watts of noise being blasted within 30 feet of McCracken’s daughter, often times the Deathscort’s were blowing their horns withing 10 feet of the baby. The 7th bullhorn carried by James Skeen was not factored into this number. The noise was so loud that most of the Deathscort’s actually wore earplugs. 210 watts is actually the equivalent to being in the front row at a rock concert.

This last video is another video source. When forwarded to 10:25 you can see McCracken make her way into the cameras view with an umbrella, which was on the opposite side of the street from where her infant is. About 1 minute later she goes back into the parking lot to speak with someone who had just pulled in but she returns back across the street just a moment later.

The video is then split to add footage from a different angle but does catch the rare moment that McCracken was on the same side of the street as her parked SUV. The footage then goes back to the original angle. Fast forward to 1:09:55 you can see McCracken leave toward the parking lot again after having been on the opposite side for quite some time, only to return back a few seconds later but this time with a sign. That is where she remained for the next 20 minutes until the footage was cut off, without as much as looking over at her daughter.

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