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Published: May 3, 2017

War with China, North Korea?


Are we on the cusp of war with China, North Korea?

The coming war with North Korea, China, and pretty soon the rest of the world is being fomented by the constant provocations of the war mongers who seek to profit off the deaths of soldiers. A war with China would be catastrophic and could come about through trade conflict, the Thucydides trap, or a proxy war with North Korea. rhetoric coming from the N. Korean regime is fear, Kim has yet to subside threats to the United States, but rather is continuing to stoke the flames of war. N. Korea recently stated through a spokesperson that they would continue to carry out missile tests despite the two recent ‘failures,’ and despite the warnings of China requesting that the pipsqueak halt his escalation.

Face Value; to the Asian nations, China is the big dog, and Xi the President of Communist China, cannot stop North Korea, as of yet. Thus it is showing to the Asian nations that China is weak. Why can’t China place more pressure on North Korea? Why is the US forced to do so? One reason is that the Korean peninsula will host a proxy war between the United States and China.

North Korea is often considered China’s bulldog; and just as under the Obama administration, Ukraine played host to the proxy war between the US and Russia, similar events could result on the Korean Peninsula.

To add to the dispute between the two nations, North Korea and the USA, Kim Jung Un has captured an American citizen and is now claiming that the American was trying to overthrow the government. The state-run Korean Central News Agency said Wednesday that Tony Kim — also known as Kim Sang Duk — was detained for “hostile acts” toward the Pyongyang regime.

Kim was seized on the morning of April 22 at Pyongyang International Airport as he attempted to leave the country following a stint as a professor of accounting at the Pyongyang University of Science and Technology, KCNA said.

This makes three, Kim Dong Chul who was detained in October 2015, Otto Warmbier who was detained in January 2016, and now Kim Sang-duk (Tony Kim) who was just recently detained.

North Korea continually has, as of late, made outlandish threats to the United States, the latest from Kim Jun Un is that apparently, the nations of Korea will cause the ‘final doom of the US.’

Regardless of outlandish rhetoric, the Trump administration and the Pentagon have taken notice; the USA just recently also sent nuclear-capable bombers over the Hermit state, and also, also tested another Minuteman III Intercontinental Ballistic Missile or ICBM.

The North Korean state media, the KCNA news agency said on Tuesday; “The reckless military provocation is pushing the situation on the Korean peninsula closer to the brink of nuclear war. Any military provocation against the DPRK will precisely mean a total war which will lead to the final doom of the US.”

According to the Carnegie Council on Foreign Relations; “North Korea is probably, if not the most pressing security problem for the Trump administration, it’s among the top, at least.” If the US is willing to send Nuclear capable bombers to the region in addition to the THAAD missile system, then chances are that the US is also ready to take this a bit further such as an actual war.

As we covered the plan for war with the communist nation of North Korea has long been planned, in fact, it dates all the way back to Albert Pike’s plan for three world wars.

However, China is appearing as the mediating role in it all, with their latest comments on the situation; Xi urged both sides of the North Korean dispute to stay calm and ‘stop irritating each other.’

Even though they are preparing for war as well, China told its citizens in the secretive state to leave in case Kim Jong-un provokes a US attack.

As it goes with every international dispute, there are several players involved, and once again it’s Russia and China who ‘back’ the hermit state, and the US who backs South Korea, Japan, and other smaller countries in the region. The situation has gone so far, that Hawaii was forced to remake its plans in case of a nuclear attack from North Korea.

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However, all could amount to just wild rhetoric and no action, but not if the Trump administration decides to red line the situation, and just as we saw in Syria, the President is not afraid to attack another country.

What say you reader?

Works Cited

Ko Dong-Hwan. “China urges citizens in N. Korea to return home.” The Korea Times. . (2017): . .

James Griffiths. “North Korea accuses detained US man of trying to overthrow government.” CNN. . (2017): . .

Maryse Godden. “North Korea threatens the ‘final doom of the US’ after Trump sends supersonic nuclear bombers over the Korean peninsula.” The Sun. . (2017): . .

Fraser Moore. “Kim Jong-un in fresh war threats after US NUCLEAR BOMBERS ‘fly over Korean peninsula’.” The Express. . (2017): . .

Carnegie. “Nuclear War with North Korea?” Carnegie Council. . (2017): . .

Reuters. “Donald Trump’s warning of major conflict, as North Korea turns to Southeast Asian nations for support.” . (2017): . .

Dave Burke. “China urges both sides of North Korean dispute to 'stop irritating each other'...and tells its citizens in the hermit state to leave in case Kim Jong-un provokes a US attack.” Mail Online. . (2017): . .

Chris Pleasance. “North Korea hints at nuclear tests 'at any moment' to boost its force 'to the maximum' after US installed $1 billion anti-missile system in South Korea.” Daily Mail. . (2017): . .

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