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Published: August 8, 2016

Augmented Intelligence: IBM Creates Artificial Neuron For Cognitive Computing and Artificial Intelligence


Scientists at IBM have just completed the creation of the first Satanic Artificial Neuron for processing tasks such as cognitive computing, artificial intelligence, and augmented intelligence. Cognitive computing resembles human-like processing abilities such as predictive intelligence, computer vision, automatic speech recognition, natural language processing, audio recognition and bioinformatics.

Researchers have developed microscopic crystals that act like artificial neurons in the best attempt yet at mimicking the workings of the human brain. Under the project Deep Machine Learning, the goal is to create and learn the entirety of the human brain. The project involves agencies such as DARPA and IARPA.

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The artificial neuron also can process predictive intelligence. Up until now, there have not been any large breakthroughs in cognitive computing power, but the crystallized neuron accomplishes that task. The discovery, published in the scientific journal Nature Nanotechnology, has been heralded as a breakthrough in the nascent science of quantum computing.

The artificial neuron alone does not have the power to process such tasks, but when grouped together into networks, it is thought the crystals will be able to work together to carry out tasks far beyond the capability of the current breed of computers.

The Computer Giant IBM

IBM is responsible for gifting the world with the most invasive technology which will herald mankind into total submission to artificial intelligence. At first, the crystallized AI will attempt to process things like weather prediction and market forecasting, as well as complete tasks innate to human beings, such as instant facial recognition.

Chaotic Data

The team of scientists, from the computer giant IBM, made the breakthrough by placing a microscopic quantity of an “electropositive” chemical compound between two electrodes. The compound, a chalcogenide, has a special quality whereby its structure changes from non-conductive to conductive when a current is passed through it. When enough energy is received, the crystal emits an electrical signal, closely mimicking natural neural processes.

Individually, these chalcogenide crystals – their diameter a fraction the size of a droplet of water in a cloud of fog – would be quickly overwhelmed. But the team behind the discovery found that when clumped into large groups, these artificial cells could work together to process large amounts of chaotic data.

In this way, they replicate the workings of neurons in our brains, which link up to form networks that can process extensive information and carry out complicated tasks very quickly. – More

Cognitive computing.

Cognitive computing is defined as “technology platforms that broadly speaking, are based on the scientific disciplines of Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing. These platforms encompass machine learning, reasoning, natural language processing, speech and vision, human-computer interaction, dialog and narrative generation and more.” – Wiki

IBM has invested in artificial intelligence for roughly 50 years. Over the past several years, since 2011, IBM has focused its scientists on creating AI. Rather than artificial intelligence, IBM would choose to focus on what is called “augmented intelligence.”

Intelligence amplification (IA) (also referred to as cognitive augmentation and machine augmented intelligence) refers to the effective use of information technology in augmenting human intelligence. The idea was first proposed in the 1950s and 1960s by cybernetics and early computer pioneers.

IA is sometimes contrasted with AI (artificial intelligence), that is, the project of building a human-like intelligence in the form of an autonomous technological system such as a computer or robot. AI has encountered many fundamental obstacles, practical as well as theoretical, which for IA seem moot, as it needs technology merely as an extra support for an autonomous intelligence that has already proven to function. Moreover, IA has a long history of success, since all forms of information technology, from the abacus to writing to the Internet, have been developed basically to extend the information processing capabilities of the human mind (see extended mind and distributed cognition).

In other words, IBM want’s to create living cyborgs, mixing man and metal; and further implementing the hive mind. The artificial neuron is one significant step in furthering their goal of augmented intelligence.

While the rest of the world learns what augmented reality and virtual reality actually is other scientists are working to “recreate” humans into machines. Mankind cannot play God, yet scientists are still striving to invade every part of the human body, including the brain. The brain is only one small part of what makes us human. It’s the soul that drives the man, without it, the fleshy substance that remains does not house the ability to interpret good from evil, to love and not to love. Cognitive computing will set the stage for the new world order, and the antichrist beast system.

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