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Published: January 11, 2017

Economic Collapse Next? The Globalists and Elitists at The World Economic Forum Claim Capitalism Needs Urgent Reform


A week ahead of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) annual meeting, Davos 2017, the globalists and elitists released their flagship annual report for 2017, which paints the reformation of capitalism as the most important topic.

The group surveyed 750 ‘experts’ to identify the most significant global concerns, and found that they are; Economy: Growth and change, Society: Rebuilding communities, Technology: Managing disruption, Geopolitics: Strengthening cooperation, and Environment: Accelerating action.

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The globalists claim that reforming the very nature of capitalism will be needed to combat the rise of populism and nationalism. Following the global financial crisis, the report highlights the massive inequality gap in growth in developed countries. It also mentions that over the next several years technology could cause a catastrophic social change due to automation entirely wiping out jobs.

“This points to the need for reviving economic growth, but the growing mood of anti-establishment populism suggests we may have passed the stage where this alone would remedy fractures in society: reforming market capitalism must also be added to the agenda,” it said in its latest Global Risks Report.

“The combination of economic inequality and political polarization threatens to amplify global risks, fraying the social solidarity on which the legitimacy of our economic and political systems rests,” it added.

As well as growth the WEF identified four areas that need to be urgently addressed: the need for long-term thinking in capitalism; a recognition of the importance of identity and inclusiveness in political communities; mitigating the risks and exploiting the opportunities of new technologies such as driverless cars and strengthening global cooperation.

The WEF added that a failure to rectify the underlying sources of the populist tide poses a threat to mainstream politicians and raises the risk that the globalization trend will go into reverse.

Historically, when globalization goes into reverse or in other words collapses; the economy does too. Looking through the history of the years before World War One, a similarity emerges. The following is from a report posted in 2005.

From around 1870 until World War I, the world economy thrived in ways that look familiar today. The mobility of commodities, capital, and labor reached record levels; the sea-lanes and telegraphs across the Atlantic had never been busier, as capital and migrants traveled west and raw materials and manufactures traveled east. In relation to output, exports of both merchandise and capital reached volumes not seen again until the 1980s. Total emigration from Europe between 1880 and 1910 was in excess of 25 million. People spoke euphorically of “the annihilation of distance.”

Then, between 1914 and 1918, a horrendous war stopped all ofthis, sinking globalization. Nearly 13 million tons of shipping were sent to the bottom of the ocean by German submarine attacks. International trade, investment, and migration all collapsed. Moreover, the attempt to resuscitate the world economy after the war’s end failed. The global economy effectively disintegrated with the onset of the Great Depression and, after that, with an even bigger world war, in which astonishingly high proportions of production went toward perpetrating destruction.

It may seem excessively pessimistic to worry that this scenario could somehow repeat itself—that our age of globalization could collapse just as our grandparents’ did. But it is worth bearing in mind that, despite numerous warnings issued in the early twentieth century about the catastrophic consequences of a war among the European great powers, many people—not least investors, a generally well-informed class—were taken completely by surprise by the outbreak of World War I. The possibility is as real today as it was in 1915 that globalization, like the Lusitania, could be sunk.

The WEF report went further and claimed; “Some people question whether the West has reached a tipping point and might now embark on a period of de-globalization.”

The report then claimed that the dramatic decrease in available jobs was actually due to automation and technology, 84%, rather than trade or jobs heading overseas, 14%.

“It is no coincidence that challenges to social cohesion and policymakers’ legitimacy are coinciding with a highly disruptive phase of technological change,” the WEF said.

The WEF states that the period we have entered is called the Fourth Industrial Revolution, were rapid technological changes are causing a shift in both policy and the economy. However, those who are a part of the WEF are the ones who are furthering the technological revolution which is causing such a dramatic impact. As always, they cause the problem, only to offer their predetermined solution that supports the NWO agenda.

The annual globalist meeting begins next week at a resort in Davos.

Globalism is not the answer, nor is totalitarian division; which is precisely where the elitists have placed us. Such a divide can and will collapse the current system and allow for the rise of the New World Order.

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