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Published: January 16, 2015

More False Flags on the way! The US to send troops to train ISIS?


Really, the US to send troops to train ISIS… Again? It has been documented and proven that ISIS rose from the ashes of the Syrian war. The US has been funding and training ISIS this whole time that is yet another fact that has been proven. Now for the kicker, the US is going to send 400 “troops” to train the Syrian rebel groups which as you can see below they are leaving the Syrian “rebels” and joining ISIS.

Huffington Post: “As the United States begins to deepen ties with moderate Syrian rebels to combat the extremist group ISIS, also known as the Islamic State, a key component of its coalition appears to have struck a non-aggression pact with the group. According to Agence France-Presse, ISIS and a number of moderate and hard-line rebel groups have agreed not to fight each other so that they can focus on taking down the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad. Other sources say the signatories include a major U.S. ally linked to the Free Syrian Army. Moreover, the leader of the Free Syrian Army said Saturday that the group would not take part in U.S. plans for destroying the Islamic State until it got assurances on toppling Assad. The deal between ISIS and the moderate Syrian groups casts doubt over President Barack Obama’s freshly announced strategy to arm and train the groups against ISIS.”

RT: “For days now, since their dramatic June 10 taking of Mosul, Western mainstream media have been filled with horror stories of the military conquests in Iraq of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, with the curious acronym ISIS. ISIS, as in the ancient Egyptian cult of the goddess of fertility and magic. The media picture being presented adds up less and less. Details leaking out suggest that ISIS and the major military ‘surge’ in Iraq – and less so in neighboring Syria – is being shaped and controlled out of Langley, Virginia, and other CIA and Pentagon outposts as the next stage in spreading chaos in the world’s second-largest oil state, Iraq, as well as weakening the recent Syrian stabilization efforts.

Strange facts

The very details of the ISIS military success in the key Iraqi oil center, Mosul, are suspect. According to well-informed Iraqi journalists, ISIS overran the strategic Mosul region, site of some of the world’s most prolific oilfields, with barely a shot fired in resistance. According to one report, residents of Tikrit reported remarkable displays of “soldiers handing over their weapons and uniforms peacefully to militants who ordinarily would have been expected to kill government soldiers on the spot.”

We are told that ISIS masked psychopaths captured “arms and ammunition from the fleeing security forces” – arms and ammunition supplied by the American government. The offensive coincides with a successful campaign by ISIS in eastern Syria. According to Iraqi journalists, Sunni tribal chiefs in the region had been convinced to side with ISIS against the Shiite Al-Maliki government in Baghdad. They were promised a better deal under ISIS Sunni Sharia than with Baghdad anti-Sunni rule.

International Business Times: “As the American government is contemplating on whether or not to launch an airstrike on ISIS that is threatening to destroy Iraq, reports have now surfaced that way back in 2012, the US Army had trained members of the same terrorist group in Jordan. U.S. President Obama meets Congressional leaders to discuss the situation in Iraq at the White House Reuters. As per several corroborated reports, hundreds of ISIS militia were indeed trained by US instructors for covert operations to destabilize Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government, though the training was strictly for Syria. ISIS has made an astonishing advance into the country since last week. Thousands of residents, police and soldiers have fled the fighting in key cities including Mosul and Baquba. Reports also state that ISIS terrorists have beheaded soldiers, besides taking up mass executions and posting it online. In a recent development, the Al Qaeda-inspired group have also taken control of Iraq’s largest oil refinery, located 250 kilometers (155 miles) north of Baghdad.”

Now with that out of the way, why in the hell is the US sending more troops to train the Syrian rebel’s a.k.a ISIS? Do they think we forgot? This matter does not make sense, just today Obama released 5 more Gitmo prisoners during the Belgium attacks. The US government is funding terrorism and it is now open knowledge. According to USA Today: “The U.S. will send about 400 troops to train the moderate Syrian opposition, defense officials confirmed Thursday night. The training is expected to begin in early spring, and the trainers will work out of sites in Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar, said Cmdr. Elissa Smith, a Defense Department spokeswoman. Smith did not have information on which services would be providing the trainers, but she said the number of trainers could fluctuate based on course load, course requirements and other variables. In addition to the 400 trainers, enablers will be needed to support them, Smith said. Coalition partners also are expected to contribute forces to the training effort, according to Defense One, which first reported the number of U.S. trainers expected to deploy.”

The remainder of that article is about how the US is sending troops over to defeat ISIS. However, given the amount of troops already sent out, the airstrikes, and so on nothing seems to be working. The only thing that is going, is the terrorist cell is growing and expanding daily. These actions might work if there wasn’t a dirty intention of training the Syrian rebels to fight alongside ISIS.

The information above, is highly controversial and can be proven with minimal research. The US is involved in training terrorists, and releasing them from prison to go right back out and join the fight against the world.

ISIS is on the rise which means more terrorism is to follow, more fear, and more false flags.



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