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Walker Mayor To File Lawsuit Against Federal Government Claiming Louisiana Flooding Was Man-Made

The Mayor of Walker, Louisiana is attempting to file a lawsuit against the Federal Government for negligence, citing that the flooding was man-made.

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What happens when the federal government fails the people? Thousands get displaced, and fatalities occur. That is what has been the case in Walker, Louisiana where flooding has reached unprecedented levels.

According to Walker Mayor Rick Ramsey the state of Louisiana and the Federal Government are directly responsible for the flooding. Ramsey indicated that the six-foot-tall concrete barrier that was put along I-12 when the interstate was expanded last year essentially put the city of Walker “into a bowl.” He said the barrier prevents water from draining out of Walker.

“When the Amite River went up, it hit that wall,” Ramsey said. “We have video evidence that shows the concrete barrier and water lapping over the north shore of the interstate and bone dry on the south of the interstate. They basically built a dam for Walker.”

The mayor stated that when Amite River went up, the floodwater hit that wall, and some of the water went toward the Millerville Road area, and some went into Walker.

Actual footage of barrier

Ramsey also stated that insurance companies should join in on the lawsuit because the flooding will cause billions of dollars in damage. “I’ve been begging them for three-and-a-half years to give us more drainage under the interstate,” the mayor said.

Eleven people have died as a result of the flooding and over 11,000 have been displaced. As of Tuesday, the Louisiana Department of Health confirms that there have been five deaths in East Baton Rouge Parish, three in Tangipahoa Parish, two in St. Helena Parish, and one in Rapides Parish.


Works Cited

WAFB Staff. “Walker Mayor: Flooding event was man-made.” WAFB. . (2016): . .

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