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Published: June 27, 2017

Ready for the Brave New World? Scientists are Teaming up with Artists to Bring about the Artificial Womb


Image Credit: Product, Design, Arnhem

One of the biggest challenges of the 21st century will also be one of the most Biblical, the artificial womb. Science and technology have brought mankind to the brink, and if we cross this line there is no going back.

As it stands, right now researchers are in what we will call the designer phase of bringing about the artificial womb.

Scientists and researchers have worked tirelessly to bring to life an ‘ectogenesis,’ where humanity no longer needs humanity to create babies. The coming problem is much bigger than the one we face today, and unfortunately so many fail to realize the drastic shift in our culture is due to an agenda driving scientific discovery.

While some may think an artificial womb is something from a sci-fi film, you should know, that in April of 2017, scientists publicly grew the first baby sheep in what is called a biobag.

The biobag is being hailed as an answer to the premature birth problem that so many women face, and the artificial womb is being hailed as the end of infertility. But in reality, the artificial womb will create more of a problem than it will fix.

As of right now, scientists and artists are crafting a way for the artificial womb to be sellable to the public. On June 22nd and 23rd, 24 student teams from 22 universities around the world gathered at the Biodesign Challenge Summit at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City. One of the teams from the summit put forth a design concept for the artificial womb, and it is truly likened to that of Brave New World.

Jasmijn van der Weide, Jeroen van Kempen, Lovisa Minkiwicz, 2nd year students have been selected to present at the Biodesign Challenge Summit at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) on 22-23 June in New York City. The Biodesign Challenge (BDC) is a university competition, that partners college students with scientists to envision new ways to harness living systems and biotechnology. The students have been working with professors, scientists, and subject-matter experts to explore the possible ways biotechnology may reshape our lives.

The group designed a speculative context to open the debate between design, technology and ethics. The Par-tu-ri-ent project is about future parents and childbearing, with the possibility to grow and design your child in an external pod. By shifting the focus of the discussion from a purely scientific approach to a social approach, we can get a realistic impression of what the consequences of the progress of biotechnology and biodesign could be.

The project was supervised by Katja Gruijters and Sander Luske. With support of Rolf Schoeber, Peter Traag and Judith van den Boom and Dr. Jeroen de Ridder & Dr. Wigard Kloosterman, Dr. Terry Vrijenhoek ,University Medical Center Utrecht, University Medical Center Utrecht, Emy Kool, Ethicist, University Medical Center Utrecht, Sos Astrup, Midwife, Hans Bergmans PhD, (retired) NIPHE, Actors Annebel Overbeeke, Harun Balci, Grace van der Zee.  – Source

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The university students and the organizers of the summit alike openly admit that in the near future, mankind will design its offspring, however, therein lies a problem. Once we remove the Hand of God from pregnancy, humanity gives that control over to both technology and humans, and the result will not be human.

To conclude, if evolution is real and natural, why do we then have to force its hand through technology?

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