Canada’s Prime Minister Accused of Operating a Totalitarian State, Pushing Christians Out of Work


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau over the last several months has implemented practices which discriminate against those with strong religious beliefs.

Christian medial professionals are requesting that the Prime Minister grant those with moral convictions “equal freedoms and access to employment.”

Robert Walley, the executive director of MaterCare, in an open letter to Trudeau is claiming that Canadian regulations are unfairly targeting people of faith by enforcing practices that discriminate against Christians.

“Medical students, residents, and physicians have begun to experience discrimination through denial of their right to practice according to their consciences if they do not accept your government’s dictatorial policies with the consequence their recruitment into programs and positions are obstructed, though they equally qualified,” he wrote.

MaterCare says they are concerned that the restrictions will result in ‘fewer young doctors entering certain specialties, while others sadly compromise their moral integrity in order to sustain their careers.’

Earlier this year, it was reported that Catholic doctors in Ontario were fighting a court ruling that would, in essence, force them to refer patients for abortion and euthanasia.

Walley is very concerned about the future of Canada’s medical system and warns it “is unsustainable without one based on the value and dignity of each human being.”

The letter to the Prime Minister can be seen below;

Dear Prime Minister,

We write to you as a group of medical professionals and concerned citizens to urge you to end the discrimination of religious people and support equality in the workforce.

Diversity, in order to be truly diverse, must respect and uphold the fundamental freedoms of all Canadians, not just those who tow the party line.

Medical students, residents, and physicians have begun to experience discrimination through denial of their right to practice according to their consciences if they do not accept your  government’s dictatorial policies with the consequence their recruitment into programs and positions are obstructed, though they equally qualified. This situation is more characteristic of a totalitarian state, and therefore has no place in Canadian Society.

The consequences are fewer young doctors are entering certain specialties and others sadly compromise their moral integrity in order to sustain their careers. For mothers the situation raises the question, where will they receive care from doctors who respect their dignity, faith beliefs and decisions about their babies and families and have only one choice?  Will older citizens lose their trust in the Canadian health care system as they face the end of their lives? The covenant relationship that used to exist between doctor and patient, second only to religious advisors, is being corrupted such that doctors are now becoming simply technicians with contractual agreements as service providers. Our long-term care system is unsustainable without one based on the value and dignity of each human being.

We urge you to reconsider your overbearing attitude against religious people and their employment in our country, recognizing that true democracy and diversity comes only when every voice, even those we don’t agree with, is heard and valued.

Dr. Robert Walley
Executive Director, MaterCare International (Canada)