By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: October 13, 2019  Updated: October 13, 2019 at 12:28 am EST
Daniel Rusk

Daniel Rusk is a traveling street preaching Evangelist who goes from place to place to bring people the good news about Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior who can free anyone from the bondage of sin. 

On his Facebook page WALKabout Jesus, Rusk can often be seen on live videos street preaching, giving scriptural sermons, and doing biblical studies as well as giving praise reports about God’s goodness. 

When Rusk is not filming a live video on Facebook from an abortion clinic where he is pleading for the lives of pre-born babies to be spared or not out on the streets rebuking filth and perversion at homosexual pride events, he is often posting bible scripture or biblical inspired photos on his ministry page and personal account. 

The last commandment given in the bible can be found in the book of Mark. This is a commandment Rusk is more than happy to obey. 

 “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature”. –Mark 16:15

Rusk preaches the gospel by any means possible, whether he is standing alone or standing with his brothers in Christ, shouting it over a crowd who is desperately trying to silence him or silently carrying a sign, handing out tracks or sometimes by just simply making a post on Facebook. 

However, Facebook is that one place where Rusk’s message of God’s glory can be quickly silenced and denied the opportunity to be seen by those who may need it the most. This past Wednesday, Rusk had an innocent Facebook post removed by the apparent anti-God social media platform. 

This is the post that Facebook’s policy team claims goes against their community standards. 

Since when did praising God become so offensive that it needed to be removed under the guides of spam to keep it off of their platform?



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