By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: January 13, 2015  Updated: August 20, 2015 at 8:35 pm EST

Thanks for Watching God Bless YOU!
Heavenly Father we come to you through the blood of your son Jesus Christ!
We thank you Lord for the wonderful things you have given us,
We thank you Lord for the wonderful gifts of Life, Food on the table, beds to sleep in, and for warmth in these cold winter months,
Lord, we ask for grace today as we go about doing your will,
We ask for strength to get through daily challenges,
Lord we thank you for the use of your mighty name,
In Jesus name I bind all unclean spirits, foul spirits, demonic spirits, lying spirits, lustful spirits, that are attacking us and deceiving us,
In Jesus name I return you to the fiery pit for which you came,
In Jesus name I bind all demons, Nephilim, Unholy watchers, astral projectors, astral planers, and anything that is coming against us right now,
In Jesus name I return you to the fiery pit,
I ask Lord that you would lose Holy Warring Angels to encamp around about us for protection this day,
Lord we ask for protection under your mighty wings and feathers, we pray psalm 91, and all other scriptures regarding protection over ourselves,
In Jesus name we plead the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ on our homes, properties, families, animals, and ourselves,
We ask Lord for deliverance from the unholy ties that bind and the addictions which we are not able to overcome on our own,
We ask Lord that you grace our hearts with your Holy Spirit,
We ask for the discernment that we need in these end times,
Thank you Lord for the protection you have given us, the forgiveness, and for the deliverance!
In your Holy, Holy name Jesus Christ, we pray
Amen and Amen!