By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: February 10, 2015  Updated: February 10, 2015 at 8:59 pm EST

The coming chaos will be preceded by utter deception, economic stress, religious stress, wars and rumors of wars, and false flags. One of the biggest false flags to date is the 9/11 attacks, the utter deception in this false flag still stirs the emotions of many today. The worst part is that the 9/11 attacks where done by the United States government. It is proven fact that the twin towers collapsing where not by a plane hitting the building but instead downed by an explosion from the inside. Such is the reason that many people surrounding the incident have cancer, because of the radiation.

The utter lies by the US government is astonishing. Putin to Release Full Proof 911 was an Inside Job Video below:

The chaos that would ensue from the release of the documents would be detrimental to the United States of America, both on the home front and on the world stage.

All it takes is one incidence for chaos to ensue, after all of these years the sensitive touch can be felt everywhere still. To drive a final nail in the coffin it would take something of this magnitude. The proving point of such can be found in Albert Pike’s letter to Mazzini

The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion… We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view.” –Source

For the record, the above in quotation is a view stated by Albert Pike and does not reflect this Authors view, because I am a Christian!

Such destruction could be brought out in one move, all that is left is the question what event? The truth about 9/11 has potential to be that devastating. Sources are below:

From Pravda:

American experts believe that despite the fact that relations between the US and Russia reached the worst point since the Cold War, Putin delivered until Obama only minor troubles. Analysts believe that this “calm before the storm.” Putin is going to hit once, but he’s going to hit hard. Russia is preparing the release of evidence of the involvement of the US government and intelligence services to the September 11 attacks. In the list of evidence includes satellite images, the website secretsofthefed. com. Published material can prove malice government towards the people of the US and the successful manipulation of public opinion. Attack planned US government, but spent her proxy. So that an attack on America and the people of the United States looked like an act of aggression of international terrorism. The motive for deception and murder its own citizens served as US oil interests in the Middle East state corporations. The evidence will be so convincing that they fall on the previous cases to manipulate public opinion in order to achieve selfish private interests. Russia proves that America is no stranger to expose and kill its citizens in order to achieve a pretext for military intervention in the foreign country. In the case of “the September 11 attacks,” the evidence will serve as satellite imagery. If successful, the consequences of Putin’s tactics would be for the US government’s most unsightly. The government’s credibility will be undermined in the cities will begin mass protests, turning into an uprising, paint a picture of American analysts. And as the United States will look on the world political arena? The validity of America’s position as a leader in the fight against international terrorism will be undermined than immediately take advantage of rogue states and Islamic terrorists. Do not be confused by such unsightly scenario, the actual development of the situation could be much worse, experts warn.

From Veterans Today:

(Editor’s note:  Russian satellite evidence proving the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center using “special weapons” was reviewed by a VT editor while in Moscow.  The article below was forwarded to us for publication in the US and translated from Russian. It is 3 days old, published on February 7, 2015.) Moscow (Pravda):  American experts believe that despite the fact that relations between the US and Russia reached the worst point since the Cold War, Putin delivered until Obama only minor troubles. Analysts believe that this “calm before the storm.” Putin is going to hit once, but he’s going to hit hard. Russia is preparing the release of evidence of the involvement of the US government and intelligence services in the September 11 attacks. In the list of evidence includes satellite images. Published material can prove the US government complicity in the 9/11 attacks and the successful manipulation of public opinion. The attack was planned by the US government, but exercised using her proxy, so that an attack on America and the people of the United States looked like an act of aggression of international terrorism. The motive for deception and murder its own citizens served as US oil interests and the Middle East state corporations. The evidence will be so convincing that it utterly debunks the official 9/11 cover story supported by the US government. Russia proves that America is no stranger to using false flag terrorism against its citizens in order to achieve a pretext for military intervention in the foreign country. In the case of “the September 11 attacks,” the evidence will be conclusive satellite imagery. If successful, the consequences of Putin’s tactics would expose the US government’s secret terrorist policies. The government’s credibility will be undermined and should bring about mass protests in the cities leading to an uprising, according to American analysts… And as the United States will look on the world political arena? The validity of America’s position as a leader in the fight against international terrorism will be totally undermined giving immediately advantage to rogue states and Islamic terrorists. The actual development of the situation could be much worse, experts warn.


The world is now on the cusp of total war. This is the claim made by former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Paul Craig Roberts in a recent. And though doom predictions are quite popular given what’s going on in the world as of late, to disregard Roberts’ assessment as fear-mongering or hype would be short-sighted and dangerous. No, this time is not different, and if political leaders around the world, especially in the United States, Russia and Europe, don’t come to an agreement on the future of Ukraine then it is only a matter of time before we eventually cross the line into a scenario from which there is no return – for all we know, we may have already crossed it at this point. While the American media has generally ignored the broader implications of what’s happening in Ukraine, often dismissing it as Europe’s problem and one that has no long-term ramifications for the U.S., the fact is that the United States is directly involved in not only the political machinations behind the scenes of Ukraine’s new government, but military operations as evidenced by recent videos showing armed American-English speaking personnel on the ground during the recent artillery shelling of the city of Mariupol. This weekend European leaders from France and Germany met with Vladimir Putin to negotiate a peace settlement. President Obama attended as well, but the Nobel Peace Prize winner seems to be there just as a formality because he made no effort to put forth a peace plan of any kind. In fact, if anything, Obama suggested that he is prepared to take things to the next level if Vladimir Putin doesn’t agree to the West’s demands. According to a report from the BBC President Obama has made it clear that the United States is on a war footing with Russia and we are now exploring all available options to deal with Putin should things in the Ukraine sour. US President Barack Obama says yes to diplomacy, but then adds: “Now, it is true that if, in fact, diplomacy fails, what I’ve asked my team to do is to look at all options. “What other means can we put in place to change Mr. Putin’s calculus? And the possibility of lethal defensive weapons is one of those options that’s being examined.” While Europe maintains that they want to find a solution in the Ukraine, it seems that the United States is making demands that Russia refuses to agree to. But Russia is having none of it. This morning a Kremlin spokesman was quoted by Russian media as saying that “nobody has ever talked to the president in the tone of an ultimatum – and could not do so even if they wanted to,” an obvious response to whatever negotiations were taking place behind closed doors. Russia and the United States have sparred back and forth for decades, but the situation in the Ukraine seems to be the most serious since the end of the cold war and one that could escalate to widespread conflict should cooler heads not prevail. President Obama, of course, isn’t the only one leaving military options on the table. Vladimir Putin himself recently warned that Russia will not put up with the West’s “hostile acts” and suggested nuclear consequences are one possible outcome if a peace deal is not reached:

He accused Barack Obama of adopting a “hostile” approach in naming Russia as a threat to the world in the U.S. president’s speech to the United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 24.

“We hope that our partners will realize the futility of attempts to blackmail Russia and remember what consequences discord between major nuclear powers could bring for strategic stability,” Putin told Serbia’s Politika newspaper on the eve of his visit to the Balkan nation today.

Putin said that Obama had identified Russian aggression in Europe as one of the three “major threats facing humanity,” alongside the Ebola virus and Islamic State.

“Together with the sanctions against entire sectors of our economy, this approach can be called nothing but hostile,” Putin said.

Full report

Last month the Russian President ordered strategic nuclear bombers to fly over the English channel into civilian air traffic corridors as a show of force to the West. He’s also reportedly sent bombers along the west coast of the United States from Alaska to California, and it has been suggested that the flybys may have also been responsible for a widespread outage of air traffic control systems in Los Angeles. What’s happening behind the closed doors of national security meetings in the United States and Russia will remain hidden from the public. Unfortunately, we’ll be the last to know and should these leaders fail to come to an agreement in Europe we may only find out once the missiles start flying. It’s starting to look like the world really is on the cusp of total war.


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