By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: July 1, 2015  Updated: July 1, 2015 at 9:08 am EST

Greece is now the first developed country in the world to default. With a referendum coming in just a few days, panic is beginning to set in that there may be a lack of supplies such as food and water. With the uncertainty growing, so does the fear and panic. This is a very troubling time for Greece, and soon a similar scenario will strike America. Whether it be an economic collapse, a pandemic, riots, civil war, and so on.. The point is that TPTB are using Greece as an example, not only is Greece very symbolic being the first place of democracy, but it is also a “pin” that could pull apart Europe.


It was a seemingly normal Sunday — except it was anything but normal.

For many people in Athens, it was time to prepare for an approaching storm. A short walk from Plaka, a line of people waited to withdraw cash from an A.T.M., hours before the official announcement that banks would be closed starting on Monday. Some bank machines in central Athens had run out of money or were out of service, as screens blamed “technical difficulties.”

Elsewhere, some people had started hoarding gasoline and groceries. “We don’t know what the new day will bring,” said Katerina Vorreadi, who was among a group of retirees waiting in line outside the National Bank of Greece on Saturday night.

From — 1000s of protesters have gathered outside Parliament in Athens as Greece’s financial crisis appears to be near a breaking point — – [ VIDEO: Instagram / nate_perdont ]

Posted by ABC News on Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The crisis continues,

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