By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: July 1, 2015  Updated: July 1, 2015 at 7:11 pm EST

Freedom Fighters recently received some very interesting yet startling images from concerned citizens showing military equipment that appears to be part of the preparation for Jade Helm 15. This absolutely crazy military movement caught on camera this is not the largest shipment spotted but it is some of the most alarming equipment spotted thus far.

There are two separate sets of military equipment shipments that will be displayed throughout this post.

Prior to the footage, lets cover some things first. Please watch the video below and understand that Jade Helm is far more than just military movement. It’s much worse, there have been connections to Artificial Intelligence (AI), Transhumanism, Martial Law Planning, World War 3 planning, and there is a possibility for either an invasion by a foreign country or consecutive false flags. Basically to sum it all up, something absolutely crazy is heading this way and with all of the absolutely crazy military movement caught on camera thus far, Jade Helm 15 is fixing to be something either very tyrannical or something very psychological.

Tyrannical would cover anything from Martial Law to the New Madrid, or Yellowstone. All of which could possibly explain the mass amounts of absolutely crazy military movement caught on camera but the main question is what are they preparing for? The obvious solution becomes that if the military is preparing for some event, or a series of events then so should we the people. There is no shame in that, no fear-mongering in preparedness; but there is stupidity, and incompetence in seeing a storm over the horizon and choosing to do nothing.

Psychological would cover anything ranging from repetitive False Flag attacks, obsessive gang stalking, all while the military is flaunting equipment for control of the population through fear. Let’s face it, there is no denying it anymore. The military movement lately has been absolutely astounding, and such amounts all points to one thing.. that something is coming. However, such preparation has been seen in the past, and yet there has been no events that have followed. To not pay attention to it is again absolutely crazy, but to look at the amount of equipment and blatantly state that nothing is going on is equally just as absurd.

Our government is preparing for something, and Freedom Fighter Reports is keen on figuring out what it is, BEFORE it happens.

Below is the video compiling all of the evidence that we have regarding Jade Helm 15 and Transhumanism, and the military preparations, just below that are what concerned citizens have sent to us.

The below photos where taken on 6/28/2015. Here is the statement given from the concerned citizens:

“we wanted to share some photos taken today 6/28/15 on I20 going north from Texas into Louisiana just across the Louisiana border. We also spotted some 18 wheelers w/ HumV’s but weren’t quick enough w/ the camera.”

What is obvious is that the equipment is heading out of Texas and into Louisiana, according to some of the original reports regarding Jade Helm 15, Navy Seals where going to be “training” in Louisiana so interestingly enough there are parts and pieces of Jade Helm 15 that will be taking place in Louisiana. On the other hand, what America witnessed in Florida directly after Jade Helm 15 was announced also shows that the US States and cities the government told us they would be training in is false.

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Absolutely Crazy Military Movement Caught On Camera Absolutely Crazy Military Movement Caught On Camera Absolutely Crazy Military Movement Caught On Camera

In regards to exactly what these are, perhaps another concerned citizen could describe exactly what they are and how they are used, please leave your comments below.

Our second set of absolutely crazy military movement caught on camera can be seen below.

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“6/28/15 2300 (11pm)
They’re moving most equip at night. These are all coming out of Georgia headed west. Lots of bases in Georgia. Love’s truck stop I-20 & Kelly Creek Rd, 5 miles west from Cook Creek, Alabama.
-3 QUAD CONS-storage & transportation
-2 diesel Generators/Flood Lights-light duty power generation, run a long time on very little fuel.”

Absolutely Crazy Military Movement Caught On CameraAbsolutely Crazy Military Movement Caught On CameraAbsolutely Crazy Military Movement Caught On CameraAbsolutely Crazy Military Movement Caught On CameraAbsolutely Crazy Military Movement Caught On CameraAbsolutely Crazy Military Movement Caught On Camera

6/28/15 2335 (1135pm)
“This one was running down I-20 at exit 188 near Oxford, Alabama. We saw this one from the same Loves truck stop, leaving, but we caught up to it for pics. It was headed east.
These are diesel aircraft generators. They can start anything from Cobra attack helicopters to F-18 fighter jets & most civilian aircraft.
Sorry for any blur. I was hanging out of the truck at 75mph taking pics!
Earlier the same day in Arkansas directly across the Mississippi River from Memphis TN a lady who owns a fireworks stand near the railroad tracks said she has been seeing everything from tanks, Humvees, helicopters, UN marked vehicles-she was scared & very hesitant to talk about it.
A few days before-saw 2 Humvees on the side of the road (taking mostly back roads on our trip to see family) & the 2 Army guys were in full combat gear with weapons. Sorry I didn’t get a pic. We popped over a hill & there they were in a small straight away, then an immediate curve.”

Absolutely Crazy Military Movement Caught On CameraAbsolutely Crazy Military Movement Caught On CameraAbsolutely Crazy Military Movement Caught On CameraAbsolutely Crazy Military Movement Caught On CameraAbsolutely Crazy Military Movement Caught On CameraAbsolutely Crazy Military Movement Caught On Camera

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