Thank you for watching! God Bless You! 8/21/2015 Psalm 144: 1-5

Heavenly Father we come before you through the blood of your son Jesus Christ, Lord we thank you for the relationships we share through fellowship with you, we thank you for the trials we face because of the victory claimed, we thank you Lord for the victory you gave us over the bonds of sin and death, Lord bless us this day as we continue to strive forward. Thank you Lord for the blessings thus far and the blessings you have in store for us, In Jesus name we bind all unholy watchers that make plans against us, In Jesus name we thwart their assignments, pluck out their third eye, and put a gag in their mouth so they cannot report to anyone. In Jesus name we return them to the fiery pit. Thank you Lord for it is in Jesus name we pray Amen.


  1. I hav a question… who do we pray to? is it god or his son? the lord is
    not the lord the lord of lords an king of kings? the confusion I get wen
    people preach. .. please giv me sum clearity, sum understanding…

    • +joshua saltz an if u think I talkin BS lol ill send u sum bible wrds….
      straight fro the book :3

    • +joshua saltz ok man…see dats the funny thing… cuz I wanted u to say
      that be4 I said anything else lol….I red the bible an it said jesus is
      the son of god…an it said it in different passages…. I even heard it
      from those ppl who go out to other ppls homes preaching the word… they
      even showed it to me in there bible…lol… iv see different bibles with
      different translations man so I no wat im sayin… jesus is not god and the
      devil is not a myth… I had to read the bible a few times jus to
      understand so I think u should do the same…. and I think u do believe
      anyone who tells u different… like yur pastor or yur parents for
      example… so yur lyin… don’t I no the messaes from jesus…” I hav not
      come to bring peace but a sword” not all pastors preach the gud stuf… u
      should hav known dat by now…

    • Ok i was quoting my bible and Jesus said, so ya think i going to believe
      Jesus over anyone else

    • +joshua saltz oh man….I hear those wrds only from the wrong ppl…read
      yur bible again and then come bak to me…even the person who made this
      video nos yur wrong cuz I already talk tu him so boom lol I jus blew yur
      mind lol

  2. You sure know how to hinder a demon! Almost makes me feel sorry for
    them……NOTTT!!!! Agreed and Amen!

  3. I’m sorry, but I don’t know your first name. I want to Thank You for the
    Daily Word for the Day and especially your news reports. I know this must
    be a hard task for you from the Lord, but you are doing a fantastic job. I
    just want to let you know that we appreciate you.
    Jack and Judi


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